If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

100 unique sites: Mausoleum of Kotybar Batyr

100 unique sites: Mausoleum of Kotybar Batyr - e-history.kz
Kotybar Basenuly was born in 1757. He is a well-known figure of Kazakh people who fought for the independence of his people.

Kotybar Basenuly was born in 1757. He is a well-known figure of Kazakh people who fought for the independence of his people. He was called batyr for the merits before the Motherland. Kotybar Batyr died in 1833. Recently, the opening ceremony of the mausoleum devoted to Kazakh batyr, a worthy son of his people Kotybar Suyungarauly was held in the village Karasha, 30 km from the city Kulsary of Atyrau region.

 Unfortunately, there are few official documents about person for whom poets composed their odes and were a lot of legends about him. The building is decorated with Kazakh ornaments outside and inside, there are three chests on the sides of the mausoleum — a symbol of unity of Senior Zhuz Kazakhs. 29 sings of Alim-Shome, Bayuly and Zhetiru are engraved on it. 

 There is a tombstone in front of the mausoleum, where names of the friends and comrades of Kotybar Batyr are written. The mausoleum was taken under the state protection. In 2000, there was a cardinal reconstruction under the guidance of the architect A.Bayandin. There are many legends and stories about Kotybar Batyr, which are kept by people. 

 There is one of them — once 40 men from Berish tribe and two batyr were taken captive to khan, one of them is Babyk Mynbay from the tribe Adai, Kotybar’s comrade and friend. Khan passed a sentence about execution of the prisoners. Mynbay secretly sent the message to his friend Kotybar from the tribe Adai Zhary Zhetimek. Batyr heard that his friend was in trouble and with no delay arrived at khan’s headquarter.

 In one of the fights with the enemy, Kotybar Suyungaruly saved khan’s life (according to unconfirmed version it was sultan Baimagambet Aishuakov). Khan promised to fulfil his wish in gratitude. But Kotybar Batyr refused and said that someday he might use his promise. And that day really came. 

 Khan listened to Kotybar and seeing the moral and numerical superiority of Adai’s supporters agreed to grant pardon only men from the tribe Berish and to uphold the decree related on two batyrs. But Kotybar Batyr was steadfast and got his way — batyrs were set free. By tradition, khan invited everyone to dastarkhan to taste the dishes and raise bowls with kumys as a sign of reconciliation. 

 During the feast Kotybar’s henchmen saw a strange old woman near batyr’s black horse secretly rubbing a horse saddle. The comrades told about suspicious woman to batyr and offered to change the saddle. But noble Kotybar refused to change it, sincerely believing in the honesty and decency of khan. 

 But, alas, batyr was mistaken in the nobility of Chingizid. Leaving that place at night, Kotybar suddenly got sick and died near the lake Karash, where he was buried by his comrades according to his will. It turned out that khan’s servant rubbed saddle of batyr with fell poison. According to people’s genealogy-shezhire — Kotybar was the son of famous batyr Suyungar from the tribe Adai. 


Used material: http://silkadv.com/
