If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

“TUNGYSH-FIRST”decade of the cinema started in the Library of the Leader of Nation

“TUNGYSH-FIRST”decade of the cinema started in the Library of the Leader of Nation - e-history.kz
In the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of Nation started the events dedicated to the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
23 November the opening of traditional decade of the documentary “TUNGYSH-FIRST” was held. The new films of the production Tele-radio complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dedicated to the significant events of 2015 and activity of the Leader of Nation were presented to the audience.

— Films, which we will demonstrate during the decade of the film “TUNGYSH-FIRST” show and tell about the bright events happening in Kazakhstan and abroad, and, certainly, they are connected with our Elbasy. These are very interesting films and we are inviting the young people, citizens and guests of the city to watch them. 

- For us it is extremely important to make our youth understand the initiatives of the Head of the state. During this decade of cinema we will see Kazakhstan form different sides, noted the Executive Director of the Library of the Leader of Nation Beysembay Zhumabekov. 


- The show of movies will be conducted every day during week days (since 23 to 27 November and since 30 November to 4 December) at 15:00. Nearly 3000 students of universities, colleges and schools of Astana city will visit these days the cinema-concert hall of the Library of the Leader of Nation. The aims of the occasion: to form the systematic understanding about the activity of the Head of state and history of formation of Independent Kazakhstan through the show of documentaries, also meetings and discussions with famous public and political activists of movies and archive-documentary materials. 


On the first day the show of the documentary “New York — Astana. Global initiatives of Kazakhstan” was held. The short-length film narrates about the participation of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the 70th session of the General Assembly of the UN in New York in September 2015. The Head of state devoted his speech to the problems of global security. International society highly assessed the global initiatives of the Leader of Kazakhstan, after the speeches at the Common debates and two summits he became one of the most cited politicians. For the first time in the UN the Kazakh speech was pronounced. After the show of the movie the meeting of the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament RK, doctor of political sciences, professor of the Academy of State Administration at the President RK, academician APS RK Kuanysh Sultanov with students and schoolchildren. 

— In 1992 at the session of the General Assembly UN Nursultan Nazarbayev for the first time delivered the speech as the head of independent state. At that time in his speech there were not a few new approaches, initiatives, which, probably, were not perceived by many as real feasible suggestions and tasks. However, in the future the life showed the far-sightedness, diplomacy, political wisdom and ability of our President to foresee the turn of history and take adequate decisions. In two decades the world society was convinced of the fact that we see how the performance of our President in the UN this year was perceived. 

— I suppose that such movies will serve the widening of our point of view and revoke the patriotic feelings to make each of us to think over the contribution made to the development of our Kazakhstan, said K. Sultanov. Young spectators shared with their impressions from watching the film and asked some questions from the guest. 

During the following days of the decade of the cinema the films “Nurly zhol — rays of unity”, “Kazakh khanate. At illimitable spaces of time”, “Power of the Leader”, “My ASTANA” were shown.
