If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

New book about Alimkhan Yermekov

New book about Alimkhan Yermekov - e-history.kz
The book is about one of the founders of the first Kazakh political party “Alash”, member of the government “Alash Orda”, first Kazakh professor in mathematics Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov.
Since recent times in the edition “Foliant” in Astana in the popular series “Nartulga” a new book — “Alimkhan Yermekov: fate and time” (Astana, “Foliant”, 2015 — p.488) came out. The author is Zhanna Kydyralina, Doctor of historical sciences, first Deputy Director of the Institute of the History of the State. Previous monography about Alimkhan Yermekov was published three years ago in the series “Uly Dala tulgalary”. In a new book, the material based on the reopened archive documents and facts was significantly renewed. Moreover, the historical background of the epoch, during which lived and carried out the creative activity one of the founders of the founders of the first Kazakh political party “Alash”, member of the government “Alash Orda”, first Kazakh professor in mathematics Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov (1891–1970) was widened. 


A. A. Yermekov was one of the first ones who stood at the origins of the Soviet Kazakh statehood. He delivered the speech in Moscow in 1920 at the responsible meeting before the Chairman of the CPC RSFSR V. I. Lenin with the report on the situation in Kazakhstan and at its boundaries. In complicated disputes with the heads of the Center and regions he along with other representatives of the Kazakh elite managed to return the original Kazakh lands to the Republic, including strategically important ones such as the territories of Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions, northern coast of the Caspian sea. 

The hero of the book was presented as a bright politician and public figure, talented personality, due to the tragic circumstances being deprived the possibility to fully realize the talent of the scientist, herewith having preserved the devotion to the national spirit and national values. 

In May 2015 in Karaganda State Technical University, where during the last years after liberation from the camps professor A. A. Yermeov worked, the presentation of the book took place. The event was conducted with the support of the rector of KarSTU, academician NAS RK Arstan Gazaliyev. At the presentation of the book the first pro-rector, professor Aristotel Isakulov, A. A. Yermekov’s students: the head of the Enterprise Economics Department , Doctor of economic sciences, professor Bura Akhmedzhanov, professor of the Organization of the Production Department Kaden Togaybayev, docent of the of Advanced Mathematics Department, Candidate of technical sciences Nursagat Adilbekov, also the relatives of the book hero: Iran Yermekov, chairman of the public fund “Nur Alash” (Astana city) and Farida Yermekova, professor of Temirtau polytechnic college, and the deputy director of Karaganda regional directorate of archives and documentation Saltanat Abeu. In his performance the author of the book Zhanna Kydyralina noted the enduring value of the spiritual-creative heritage of the Kazakh intelligence of XX c. The presentation was ended with the funeral feast (as) in memory of A. A. Yermekov. 

Unfading image of Alimkhan Yermekov will stay in the eternal memory of history as the sample of the selfless service to people.