If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Oraza Ait celebrated in Kazakhstan

Oraza Ait celebrated in Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
Oraza Ait - Eid al-Bayram, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan is celebrated in Kazakhstan

Yerzhan khadzhi Malgazhyuly, Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan, congratulated all Muslims on Oraza Ait:

— Oraza Ait is a symbol of clemency, unity, well-being and nobility of a man’s soul. Our welcoming, large-hearted and caring people had celebrated this holiday with solemnity and godly fear at all times. This year, like every year, Muslims have fasted during the holy month of Ramadan to please God. They have made contributions to charity events. Our mosques have provided assistance to the needy people and families. The word "Ait" means "requital", and the divine Creator shows mercy to people for every act and worship during the month of Ramadan. I call upon my compatriots to respect and understand each other and join forces in strengthening the unity of the people of Kazakhstan, well-being and harmony in the society.


It is to be noted that during the holiday people congratulate each other, forgive every man, meet each other in their own homes, prepare festive parties, show mercy and help needy people, make gifts, come together with and show their respect to spirits of ancestors.

The day before Oraza Ait is dedicated to preparation — cooking baursaks (spherical or triangular pieces of dough fried in oil), cleaning house, purchasing new clothing for the holiday.


The holiday of Oraza Ait marks the end of the most important for Muslims month of holy Ramadan when believers fast with the aim of spiritual purification and atonement of sins.

The most important night of the month is the Night of Predestination (the night of 13-14 July) when Muslims request God to give them mercy. According to the legend, this night the Creator gives instructions concerning the whole world and some individuals implementing by angels. It is also believed that this is the time when everyone can get kind of Divine Forces. From this day to the beginning of Oraza Ait Muslims make donations, or Sadaqa Al-Fitr, to mosques or needy people. According to the tradition, each person should give away in charity an amount equivalent to a certain volume of grain. This year the amount has been equal to KZT 200. People believe that this process results in the atonement of sins.

Oraza Ait has been celebrated since the Prophet Muhammad, or since 624.

Why is this holiday so important? This is because the Koran was brought to people during the month of Ramadan, as it is written in the holy book. Suras of the Koran prescribe the fast and holiday of its end.

We note that seventy days after Oraza Ait Muslims will celebrate another one holiday, Kurban Ait.

Dilyara Seidakhmetova
