If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Trade fair “Oner Fest”

Trade fair “Oner Fest” - e-history.kz
On June 13, 2015, the trade fair of art and applied art was held in the city of Kokshetau

Residents and guests of the city of Kokshetau had unique opportunity to plunge into the world of fine, having attended the “Oner Fest” exhibition. The exhibition is held within the Interregional museum festival devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate. More than seventy participants of an exhibition on a uniform ethno-cultural platform in sixteen stage tents, open workshops and scaffolds with semi-yurts presented products from natural materials in national traditions. The art exposition was made by cloths of local artists, creative works of teachers and pupils of Children’s art school, teachers and students of the secondary and high educational institutions of the city of Kokshetau. Craftsmen from Shortandy, Burabay, Korgalzhin, Kokshetau and masters of Association of arts and crafts of the Akmola Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, “Black” LLP Art workshops demonstrated their works.



It is environmentally friendly felt with modern design innovations, unique products of skillful woodcarving and bone, souvenirs from natural stones and beads, unique jeweler art, colorful embroidery, products from skin, panel with embroidery, tapestries and another.


Within the “Oner Fest” exhibition the wide program of master classes, where famous craftsmen shared their experience, knowledge and new ideas, were organized. National costume in modern design was shown by the students of “Design” faculties, which create and promote national style in the costume. Everyone could not only see the products, but also buy them.

“25 years has already been passed since I am engaged in production of musical instruments, and my son Shyngys learnt abilities and skill to make them. My sons-in-law, whose dombra and kobyz are well-known in the area, are also very skillful, — said Shokan Elamanov. Thus, workshop is full of many relatives. Today, people understand our art. If earlier people asked and looked only on appearance of dombra, today they pay attention on its sound”.

According to the craftsman Yelamanov, masters in Yelamanov’s workshop are constantly engaged in self-improving. They look for new modern and qualitative materials. “In our works we use mahogany, beech, oak and recently started to use hornbeam. It is very hard three. During the war when, there were no materials, it was used to make propellers for combat aircrafts”, — said Yelamanov.
