On June 3rd in the National museum of Kazakhstan within the project "Kazakhstan through Centuries" the joint exhibition of Otyrar state archeological memorial estate and the State historical and cultural memorial estate "Azret Sultan" was opened.
Dedicated to 550th anniversary of Kazakh khanate, exhibition called "Historical memory".
Products from bronze and iron, decorative from bricks and tiles, the weapon, gold, silver, copper, bronze coins and a set of other valuable artifacts found during the long-term researches and archeological excavations ibn Otrar and other medieval ancient settlements round it are presented here.
— The 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate is a fatal date for our state. To understand that period and to learn the historical truth, we have to investigate monuments of that time. Thus, at the request of the President the decision on carrying out celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate is very important.
The relevant activities take place in different corners of the country. Not only government institutions, but also all people actively participated in celebration. Organization of such events gives us better understanding of the history. Today, the National museum received the most valuable exhibits narrating about the history of the Kazakh khanate, — said the director of the National museum Darkhan Mynbay.
— For the museum worker it is huge honor to represent any artifact and to inform to the visitor its value. In funds of the State historical and cultural memorial estate "Azret Sultan" there are more than 24 thousand historical monuments. On an exhibition we brought 160 exhibits. Among them: dagger of Kabangbay batyr, silver products and lamps of an era of the Kazakh khanate. All of them are very valuable monuments for all people.One of the main indicators of museum work is the organization of an exhibition. And each exposed thing has to bear information for the audience. If exhibits do not promote increase of knowledge, do not leave a trace in soul of the visitor, then such exhibition can be considered vain. We hope that from today’s exhibition visitors will derive a sheer pleasure and will be able to learn more deeply each exhibit" — shared his opinion the director of the State historical and cultural memorial estate "Azret Sultan" Maulen Sadykbekov.
The exhibition consists of 3 sections: "Value of the Turkestan region for the Kazakh khanate", "The Khan’s Horde — Turkestan", "Culture of the Kazakh khanate". This exhibition will be held in several museums of the country within the events devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate.
All regional museums within the project "Kazakhstan through History of Centuries" have opportunity to organize the exhibitions in the National museum. Inhabitants and guests of Astana already managed to examine the most valuable exhibits of the museums of the Karaganda and Pavlodar areas.
"Historical Memory" exhibition will last till December 4 of the current year.