If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Top 10 Greatest Love Stories in History of Kazakhstan

Top 10 Greatest Love Stories in History of Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
This article tells about the most famous love stories of the most outstanding figures of Kazakhstan

Dinmukhamed Kunayev and Zukhra


Dinmukhamed Kunayev remembered every day which he had spent with his beloved wife Zukhra. He said: "I have spent fifty years, six months and two days with her". At the end of September 1939, he proposed to Zukhra.

Kunayev told her that he was sent to work in the city of Ridder and asked: "What if we move there together?" She accepted his proposition and that period was the happiest for Dinmukhamed Kunayev. Below you can read what Kunayev said about it:

"I thank my destiny for meeting beloved, keen, attentive and charming woman. Our marriage ceremony took place on 18 October 1939 at the apartment of my older sister Amina. Our guests were my friends from and teachers from the Kazakh Mining Institute, engineers Zhaksybayev, Kravchenko, Zukhra’s uncle Garif with his young wife. My sisters also came to the ceremony...". Unfortunately, the Kunaevs didn’t have children but it didn’t prevent them from living a long and happy life.

Akhmet Baytursynov and Badrisafa


Baytursynov’s beloved wife was his devoted partner for the life. Aleksandra worked as a teacher at the Russian-Kazakh School in the village of Auliekol. She met Akhmet Baytursynov in 1896. In the same year, they were married in the mosque of the city of Troitsk. Since that time, she became a Muslim. In agreement with his wife Baytursynov named her Badrisafa Mukhamedsadykkyzy. People still tell legends about their faithful and beautiful love which was preserved by Akhmet and Badrisafa despite all difficulties and troubles.

Ilyas Yesenberlin and Dilyara


Ilyas and Dilyara met in an opera theatre. The love between them flared up immediately. The girl couldn’t fall in love with this officer wearing medals on his service jacket. Though he was limping and couldn’t walk without a stick. It was the result of a serious wound in his leg.

It seemed that everything was good. The girl was the best choice for Yesenberlin. Dilyara was a daughter of the Minister of justice of Kazakhstan Khamza Zhusupbekov. But the problem was Dilyara’s father was repressed and shot. That meant that she was a daughter of "the enemy of the State". Relations with such girl could derail future career and destiny of Ilyas. That’s why Dilyara confessed that she was a daughter of the repressed man. Usually, young men immediately disappeared after this. But Ilyas Yesenberlin was a different person. In response he said: "I love you and want you to be my wife". Ilyas Yesenberlin loved and respected his wife much. In turn, Dilyara shared the difficult life with him and inspired his creative work and saved him from a serious disease.

Sabit Mukanov and Mariam


They lived together for almost fifty years. Mariam was not only the first reader, critic and advisor of Sabit Mukanov but his muse as well. She knew many great writers of the previous century and did her best to support her husband. They had six children. Mariam’s kindness and wisdom helped Sabit to concentrate on his work. For many people, she was an example of the real mother and wife. Mariam always said that she was the happiest woman and had nothing to complain of.

Saken Seyfullin and Gulbakhram


When Saken was arrested Gulbakhram was a 28-year-old woman. She had to ask help from her relatives as all people turned against her. Her little son Ayan died on the road to her relatives. She was so shocked that even forgot the place of his grave. It was found only ten years after her death. Despite the sorrow, she managed to fight for her husband. Gulbakhram spent all her time to know something about Saken. She even was sent to the Akmolinsk Camp for Wives of Traitors to the Motherland. But nothing could break her. She knew that she had to survive and deserve Saken. When Saken was rehabilitated posthumously Gulbakhram arrived at Karaganda to celebrate his anniversary. She was really happy, but her soul died together with Saken.

Baluan Sholak and Galiya


Baluan Sholak had special relations with women. Poet and wrestler he attracted women by his voice and strength. But the only woman went down to his heart. Her name was Galiya. She was a daughter of rich merchant Tleu. Galiya was a tall young woman with a light face. Being a child, she was engaged with Birzhan. But she didn’t love him. They were married. And later she met Baluan Sholak. The young people met in secret. When Galiya’s husband knew about this he kicked out his unfaithful wife. She returned to the house of her parents.

Galiya’s father made her get married again. She became the second wife of a very famous person. So Galiya and Baluan Sholak never were together.

Abulkhair Khan and Bopay


Some experts believe that the role of Abulkhair Khan in the history of the great steppe could be different without his spouse Bopay. She was very beautiful and smart woman. Historians consider her to be one of the most influential Kazakh women of the Middle Ages and Modern Times because of her authority among the close of her husband. Bopay was not only Abulkhair’s faithful partner of life but also reliable associate and clever advisor in public affairs. This marriage was successful in various senses, including the fact that they had six children: five sons (Nuraly, Yeraly, Khodzha-Akhmet, Ayshuak, Adil) and daughter Zuleykha.

Zhangir Khan and Fatima


Fatima, the wife of the last Khan of the Kazakh steppe Zhangir, was one of the most famous women of her time. She was very beautiful, educated and wise person. She repeatedly helped her husband to overcome difficulties.

Fatima and Zhangir had seven children, including four sons and three daughters. Khan repeatedly ordered expensive clothes and jewelry from Moscow for his wife. She felt bad during the last years of her life and this fact disturbed Zhangir. They travelled to Caucasus to visit reserves of mineral water, but without any effect. The early death of Zhangir shocked Fatima. She passed away three months after his death.

Yermukhan Bekmakhanov and Khalima


Khalima was a student of the Department of Philology, Central Asian University, Tashkent. In 1946, she met Yermukhan Bekmakhanov at the library named after Alisher Navoi. He was ten years older than she. This educated and handsome young man fell in love with Khalima. But there was a serious obstacle: he was married and had two daughters. He decided to break with his wife. The long-awaited happiness was so close. But he was arrested.

On February 16, 1954 Yermukhan Bekmakhanov was handed a certificate of termination of criminal proceedings. His health deteriorated. He celebrated the New Year, 1966 with his family and almost immediately was taken to a hospital. He hurried Khalima to defend her candidate thesis as he felt that she would be obliged to take care of the family. He passed away on 6 May 1966.

Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu


There is an old legend about tragic love of Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu. According to it, two friends Sarybay and Karabay engaged their children. Sarybay died during hunting. Kozy and Bayan loved each other. Time passed and Karabay decided to change his plans. He promised to get his daughter married local warrior Kodar. Kodar killed Kozy to marry Bayan. She wanted to seek revenge against the killer. She promised to become his wife if he drilled a well for her. While working and getting deeper he gripped Bayan’s hair. Suddenly she cut her hair and Kodar died. Bayan thereby revenged the death of her beloved Kozy. On his grave she stabbed herself with a dagger.
