If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Roundtable on the subject “South Kazakhstan during Kazakh Khanate”

Roundtable on the subject “South Kazakhstan during Kazakh Khanate” - e-history.kz
On March 19, 2015, the roundtable “South Kazakhstan during Kazakh Khanate”, devoted to 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate was held in South Kazakhstan regional historical museum.

This year people of Kazakhstan celebrate a holiday which has special political and historical significance. Words of President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in the his Address "Nurly Zhol — a way to the future" about celebration of 550th anniversary of formation of the Kazakh Khanate in 2015 gave huge impulse to scientific research and caused great public resonance. Researches and scientists of the South Kazakhstan carried out researches in this area by results of which scientific works which allow selecting the main outline of events of that time. Work of roundtable is urged to represent history of Kazakh Khanate for more deep understanding of thousand-year experience of state construction.

Opening of the exhibition "Otrar during Kazakh Khanate" took place in showroom of regional museum. The exhibition was organized on materials of Otyrar state archeological museum-reserve and South Kazakhstan regional historical museum. The exhibition represents the different stages of state system in the territory of South Kazakhstan preceding formation of Kazakh Khanate. The main emphasis of exhibition directed on formation of Kazak Khanate.

Artifacts are accompanied by photos and copies of documents that reveal the essence of separate state on the territory of South Kazakhstan. Various original exhibits, received by scientists as the result of long archeological researches on ancient settlements Otyrartobe, Konyrtobe, Kuytobe, Kokmardan and others, are shown in detailed form. In exposition are shown monetary complexes, products from glass and metal, ceramic items for different purposes and items of warriors.

The roundtable "South Kazakhstan during Kazakh Khanate" was carried out in the conference room. Among guest were: B. Aytay (the candidate of historical sciences of the Southern Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute), O. Aliyev (the candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor of the Southern Kazakhstan state university named after M. Auyezov), M. Kozha (the doctor of historical sciences, professor at International Kazakh Turkish University named after K.Yassawi), A. Kabyl (senior specialist of department of history of Kazakhstan at South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov), N.Aldabergenov (the famous archeologist, adviser at Otyrar state archeological museum-reserve), S. Parmenkul, K. Shokhayev, A. Seraliyev (research associates at Otyrar state archaeological museum-reserve). They discussed about history of origin and formation of the Kazakh Khanate.

Teachers, students of higher education institutions and pupils of colleges of Shymkent, also teachers and pupils of city schools participated in this event.

Materials provided by South Kazakhstan regional historical museum
