If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The National Museum starts celebration of Nauryz Meyramy

The National Museum starts celebration of Nauryz Meyramy - e-history.kz
The National Museum of Kazakhstan hosts the roundtable on “Nauryz – bereke bastauy” dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz Meyramy on 16 March 2015.

The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosts the round table on "Nauryz — bereke bastauy" ("Nauryz — the basis of harmony") which is dedicated to celebration of the national festival Nauryz Meyramy. The meeting is organised on 16 March 2015 at 3 p. m.

The round table will be attended by the members of the Majilis (lower house) of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zukhra Sayapova, Meyram Begentaev, Murat Akhmadiev, Rozakul Khalmuradov, Chairperson of the Committee for Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aktoty Rayymkulova, Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov Serik Negimov, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Professor Zhambyl Artykbaev and many other famous public figures and scientists.

Participants and guests of the event will have an opportunity to admire of the ancient Kazakh ritual called "Kauyshu" ("Greeting") which will be demonstrated by the personnel of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a kind of handshake ceremony, when young people visit elders’ house, shaking hand with them, ask blessings from them. It is believed that the earlier you will greet and congratulate the happier will be the year. Also it is believed that people should forgive each other all offences, give the presents to family and to be dressed with nice cloths. The demonstration will be followed by an excursion in the museum.

Finally, at the end of the event participants will announce the starts of action called "Biz birgemiz!" ("We are together") and call for support and promote the national tradition of celebration of Nauryz Meyramy with the rest of the world.

There are certain traditions of Nauryz Meyramy celebration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Traditionally, each family cooks special dishes, people organize national festival, concerts. People visit houses of each other and offer national dishes to each other. At the same time, during the period of celebration of Nauryz Meyramy it is accepted to do good deeds and help the needy.

We inform that during the course of the history Nauryz Meyramy became a symbolic Kazakh New Year. Nowadays it is one of the most favourite holidays in Kazakhstan. Kazakhs also often refer to Nauryz as "Ulystin uly kuni" which means "the great day of the nation". For Kazakh people this holiday is a symbol of spring renewal, the triumph of love, fertility and friendship.
