If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Astana hosts the International Competition for Artists

Astana hosts the International Competition for Artists - e-history.kz
The Competition called "The Light of Victory is The Energy of the Future" will last through April 22, 2015 at the basis of the Central Hospital for Invalids of the Great Patriotic War

We are pleased to announce that on the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the upcoming international exhibition "EXPO-2017″ our hospital has initiated and organized the III International competition of artists "The Light of Victory is The Energy of the Future". The results will be officially announced on April 22, 2015 at 3p. m. (Astana city, Bokeykhan street, 28) with the participation of war veterans, representatives of the Presidential Administration and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Defense, Embassies.

The following rules are approved in order to conduct high-quality exhibition:

1. High-quality paintings.

2. An author can submit no more than 2 paintings

3. Acceptance of paintings occurs at: Astana, Bokeykhan Street, 28.

4. On the back side of the painting must be recorded: Full name of the author, title of the painting, address, phone numbers, place of work or study, and position.

5. The subject of the paintings should be focused on military patriotic themes reflecting the link between generations, as well as modern achievements of Kazakhstan within the exhibition EXPO-2017.

6. Art-work must be fully prepared by April 1, 2015. A preliminary meeting of the competition committee from among well-known professional artists and members of the public will be held on April 20, 2015.

Delivery of paintings to the hospital for their subsequent placement in the exhibition hall is up to April 15, 2015.

Awards: Grand Prix (1) — 50 000KZT, 1st place (1) − 35000KZT, 2nd place (2) — 25 000KZT, 3rd place (3) — 15,000KZT. Up to ten authors will receive consolation prizes from 5 000 to 10 000KZT. Moreover, the winners will receive certificates, and all participants — certificates and other prizes.

According to the results of the competition, will be published color booklet of the exhibition, which will be given to each participant.

After finishing the exhibition, all paintings will be handed over to the Central Clinical Hospital for the disabled veterans of the World War II in Astana.

Organizers: the Central Clinical Hospital for the disabled veterans of the World War II in Astana and Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov.

Director of the Central Clinical Hospital for the disabled veterans of the World War II in Astana — Adilkhan A. Abdulin is responsible for the coordination of photograph production (8-702-409-00-69), aaabdulin@mail.ru, art_competition@mail.ru
