If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan launched in Astana

The Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan launched in Astana - e-history.kz
2015 marks the Year of peace, unity, stability, friendship and social cohesion

On February 6, 2015 the city of Astana hosted the opening ceremony dedicated to the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Public figures, representatives of ethnic and cultural associations, Olympic champions and young activists came together in front of the Palace of Peace and Harmony (Pyramid). All of them were awaiting the official ceremony of hoisting the flag of the Assembly.

A flash mob named "Zhastar kogamdyk kelisimdi koldaydy" ("Youth supports social cohesion") was organised on the square in front of the Palace. The event was attended by approximately 500 young people — representatives of various nationalities and ethnicities. It became a symbol of friendship between peoples living in the territory of our country.






After the ceremony of hoisting the flag guests were invited to come in the Palace to visit an exhibition — trade fair of craftsmen and masters of traditional creative activities named "Khalyk murasy" ("National Heritage"). The exhibition gave an opportunity to present the products of craftsmen from ethnic and cultural centres.

The small exhibition was attended by craftsmen from many regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Kuangalieva Aynagul is a craftswoman producing national souvenirs. She is from Astana.

"Mainly, I work on producing dolls wearing Kazakh national costumes. I have been doing this work for twenty years. I am focused on Kazakh traditions. This, for example, is a family protective amulet. It is aimed at protection from quarrels and guarantees that relatives will be together under the one shanyrak (roof).


Bopanova Raushan is a craftswoman who works on producing items made of felt (the city of Shymkent).



The synchronous event named "Start of the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" was held simultaneously in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We remind that a unique institution for harmonisation of inter-ethnic relations, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, was established in our country just 20 years ago, on March 1, 1995. Now it is a symbol of unity and harmony between representatives of various nationalities and ethnicities in our republic. In order to further strengthen interethnic harmony in the country and enhancing the role of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in providing the national unity of people of Kazakhstan, according to the decision of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the year 2015 was declared the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
