If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Meeting of scientists devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate took place in Beijing

Meeting of scientists devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate took place in Beijing   - e-history.kz
Scientists of International Turkic Academy and leading scientists of China met in Beijing.

The president of the International Turkic Academy Darkhan Kydyrali told that, in 2015 by the request of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate will be widely celebrated. He emphasized importance of that this event is held in the country with the rich historical past which for one thousand year our ancestors adjoined and tightly interacted thanks to the Silk Way.


"Chinese scientist showed a particular interest to materials where detailed data on fundamentals of the Kazakh history, including the Kazakh khanate are provided. Scientists of the People’s Republic of China with a particular interest listened to the report of the research associate of the International Turkic Academy, Professor Bakhyt Ezhenkhanuly devoted to study of history of the Kazakh khanate on Chinese-Manchu archive documents. The speaker offered new evidence-based sources about the Kazakh khanate", — was mentioned in the message of the press service of academy.


"The fact that today the Kazakh scientist visited out institute and spoke with the report and exchanged their opinions with us, expands our understating of the Kazakh history and generally Kazakh people. Such actions will have a positive impact on a dimple of the humanitarian and cultural relations with Kazakhstan — with our strategically important neighbor" — said the director of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese academy of social sciences Van Yanzhun.

Also, it was marked that the famous scientist, Professor Bai Cui Qing highly appreciated the work which has been carried out recently by Kazakhstan historians on collection and study of sources on the Kazakh history in Qing archives. According to him, since 1950 over 2600 scientific article and ten books on history and culture of the Kazakh people are published in Chinese. Recently the quantity of doctor’s and master’s theses on research of this direction increased. Among researchers numbers of young representative of ethnic Kazakhs is growing. "We should learn a lot from our Kazakhstan colleagues in questions of avoiding duplication of subjects, accurate collection of sources and deep analysis of problems. Thus, we need to strengthen cooperation with you" — said Professor.

At the end of scientific action some institutes of the Chines Academy of social sciences expressed interest in cooperation and close work with the International Turkic Academy. Moreover, opportunities of carrying out joint scientific surveys and events, also release of scientific collection were discussed.

Press service of International Turkic Academy
