If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Almaty will host an international conference dedicated to Kazakh diaspora

Almaty will host an international conference dedicated to Kazakh diaspora - e-history.kz
On December 5, 2014 Almaty will host an international conference entitled “Kazakh Diaspora in Central Asia: History – Culture – Monuments”

The main purpose of the scientific forum is to introduce the results of recent complex ethnographic and ethnocultural multidisciplinary researches. They include the work conducted by the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov, and other research groups and scholars who studied Kazakh diaspora in Mongolia, China, and Altai.

Another important goal of the conference is to examine and discuss actual problems of the current situation in Kazakh diaspora, prospects for its ethno-cultural, social and economic development, particularly in the context of enhancing relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the need to preserve its significant ethno-cultural meaning in the vast region of Central Asia.

Kazakh diaspora in Central Asia is the largest (over 3 mln people) part of all foreign community of Kazakhs. To a great extent, it has kept some elements of traditional ethnic culture and at the same time faces meaningful ethno-cultural changes and survives the process of crucial social and economic adaptation and integration into the modern world. Kazakhs from China and Mongolia forming one of the most representative and rapidly developing parts of Kazakh ethnos abroad are particularly affected by mentioned processes.

Coming scientific forum is aimed at playing a crucial role in public opening, reflection and practical preservation of original historical and cultural heritage of Kazakh diaspora, promoting and fostering scientific research, defining prospects for further studies on optimization of multidimensional policy of our republic toward foreign community of Kazakhs.

The conference will include plenary session, the second symposium entitles "Kazakhs from Mongolia" and the following three sessions: "Phenomenon of Kazakh Diaspora: History, Current Situation and Prospects. Problems of Social and Cultural Adaptation of Oralmans in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Traditional and Post-Traditional Culture of Kazakh Diaspora of Central Asia in the Context of Recent Researches", "Historical and Cultural Monuments and Other Form of Heritage in the Habitat of Kazakh Diaspora". The conference will also include a seminar of World Kazakh Association branches leaders "Exchange of Experience in the Sphere of Work with Foreign Kazakh Diaspora and on Increasing Kazakh Diaspora and Returnees’ Awareness of the President’s Address".

A presentation of two scientific monographs is also considered to be conducted. In addition documentary films about Kazakhs from Mongolia, China and Russia will be demonstrated.

The conference will be organized by the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov, Science Committee, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan, World Kazakh Association and Scientific Library, Gylym Ordasy RSE, Science Committee, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan, under the auspices of the Committee on Language Development and Political Work, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Republic of Kazakhstan.

The place: Almaty, Gylym Ordasy RSE, Shevchenko str., 28, Scientific Library, 3rd floor, Meeting Hall. The registration of participants and guests starts at 9 a. m. Tel.: 8 (727) 261-67-19, 261-65-57 

Documentaries on the subject:

Urumchi kazaks

Kazakhs in Saint Petersburg

Kazakhs in Samara

Kazakhs in Cologne

Kazakhs in Denmark
