If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Ancient Syganak becomes touristic brand of Kyzylorda region

Ancient Syganak becomes touristic brand of Kyzylorda region - e-history.kz
Syganak settlement, where the restoration works are on the process, will be the tourist brand of Kyzylorda region in the future plan, according to Bnews.kz.

«The monument will be restored, and then conservation works will be done.
Many hectares area around of it will become a protected zone. And after completion of all work the tourist route to the ancient settlement will be developed, — said the director of Kyzylorda branch of RSE „Kazrestavratsiya“ Birtay Bijanov. — It is indeed a unique monument of history and architecture, which, certainly, will be recognized, as they now are called „smart tourists“ traveling for knowledge, rather than get a tan».

Syganak settlement is located in 50 km north of the regional center of Zhanakorgan of Kyzylorda region along the roads of international significance «Shymkent-Samara». Remnants of the once grand structure with powerful entrance portals were identified during the research in 2004–2005 by archaeological group of International Kazakh-Turkish University, led by Dr. Yassawi historical sciences, Professor Seyden Zholdasbay.
The height of the construction’s walls is five meters. After removing layers of the latest buildings the original plan of the construction was clearly shown. It turned out that researchers have discovered the ruins of khanaki, the plan which was measured in the beginning of the last century by v. Kallaur, described by A. Jakubowsky in the article «Syganak’s ruins» («Развалины Сыганака»), also photographs of building’ façade and some structural details of the construction were published in this article.

«In the present days, the structure is in ruined the form and by typological origin it is a monument of archeology — says Bijanov. — The current project proposes to restore the original appearance of the graphical ancient monument with available historical materials».
