If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Employees working for «e-hisory.kz» participated in the workshop of the «Bolashak» Association

Employees working for «e-hisory.kz» participated in the workshop of the «Bolashak» Association - e-history.kz
On June 14 Astana hosted workshop on «Doing Business: basis for a website creating », organized by the «Bolashak» program alumni Association with support from the Ministry of Culture of the RK.

The seminar was attended by young professionals in creating of web-sites and IT, graphic designers, web-developers, students, alumni of the «Bolashak» program from of Astana and Almaty cities, as well as from Akmola, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan and other regions. The staff of the portal «History of Kazakhstan» also actively participated in the workshop.

The speakers were Adil Koishibaev, CEO of «BusinessTrade» and alumnus of the «Bolashak» program, and Birlik Mendybayev, Deputy Chairman of the Social Fund «Centre for Analysis and Prediction «C.A.P.».

Participants were delivered mini-lectures on search engines in the Internet network, web-sites creating and development of online business. The practical part of the workshop consisted of web-sites creation using web-designers and development of own models for online-business in the Internet.


Dias Yesdauletov, the Head of the portal «History of Kazakhstan» and alumnus of the «Bolashak» program, was one of the invited guests of the workshop. He told the participants about the mechanisms of web-sites promotion on the example of the educational portal e-history.kz.

Portal «History of Kazakhstan» is one of the most expected projects dedicated to the national history of our country from ancient times to the present. On September 25, 2013 Akorda hosted the official presentation of the web-portal «History of Kazakhstan». This March, the portal was transferred to the JSC «Kazcontent», which is engaged in its further promotion, technical support and content filling.

At the seminar the Head of the Internet-project «History of Kazakhstan» spoke about site’s mission, the design’s usability for the vast volume of information, variety of interactive elements, digital educational resources, interactive map, future special projects and to name but a few.

For example, the interactive map on the portal is an exclusive electronic guide on cultural monuments and remarkable sights of our country. The map visually and clearly tells the user about the places where he was born and lives.

In a short time the portal will launch four special projects. They will demonstrate the work of a group of scientific experts on investigation and collection of Kazakh nation’s legends, information about the sacred places and significance of national ornaments and patterns.

At the completion of the speech of the Head of the Internet-project «History of Kazakhstan» the workshop’s participants expressed their opinions on the necessity of such project’s creation, asked questions about the sources of materials on the portal. The staff of e-history.kz heard the assessment of their work, and also discussed issues of further development of the portal.

translated by I.KUZMENKO

June 20, 2014
