If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Idea "Mangilik el" — stable future of our people

Idea "Mangilik el" — stable future of our people - e-history.kz
January 17, 2014, the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev addressed to the People of Kazakhstan with the message: "Kazakhstan's Way — 2050: Common goal, Common interests and Common future".

January 17, 2014, the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev addressed to the People of Kazakhstan with the following message: "Kazakhstan's Way —2050: Common goal, Common interests and Common future". If to look every annual message of the President, they are correspond to the demand of the time. The idea "Mangilik el" in this message determines the decent future of Kazakh people and classifies Kazakhstan among the successful and developed countries. Within the ten creative ideas the President emphasized the need to implement the seven major areas of complex tasks. The new period of Kazakhstan's Way — national unity and peace, strengthening the economy, social protection of the people, national security of the country and culture, also the language problem — apparently it is the new tasks in order to be "Mangilik el". To become the "Mangilik el" all these issues are considered as the main tasks. 

The president in his annual messages frequently mentioned about focusing on the social sphere. He also gave priority to this area in this message. This area is particularly emphasized on the people with disabilities. One of the main directions is their employment. The President made the Government responsible for this. In our society was formed such trend that citizens with disabilities can only live on the allowance. Thus, they feel themselves unnecessary in society. In our country nobody is willing to give a job for people with disabilities. Today, this problem found it’s the solution. As disable people also can make more.   

If they will be given social jobs, in the malls as cashier or accountant, in airport or another call centers as a specialist, in the culture sphere as tailor, then maybe they will work responsibly. I think that these people feeling this opportunity that they would be given will be work hard. For example, in Germany if people with disabilities would not be given a job then employers would have to pay a fine.

There are profound words among the people: "Do not believe in your abilities, believe in your work". It means that these people can show with their work that they are inseparable part of the society. The allowance for people with disabilities is small. The problem of their employment is on the first place.

Every year the allowance increasing by 9-10 percent, since July 1, 2015 it increased by 25 percent. It will be a great help and support from the state. I am glad that the running policy of our President N. Nazarbayev solves these types of issues.

Within the idea of "Mangilik el" we believe that people of Kazakhstan will make courageous step into the future.

Zamzagul Bayzhumanova

Institute of History and Ethnology

Junior researcher of Department of Historiography, Chronology and Modern methodology 
