If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Exhibition of the silver manufactures at the Museum named after S. Seifullin

Exhibition of the silver manufactures at the Museum named after S. Seifullin - e-history.kz
The day before March 8, the International Women Day, the exhibition of hand-made items opened at the Museum named after S. Seifullin.

The Museum named after S. Seifullin is one of the historic and spiritual centers of the city of Astana, propagandizing mental and creative heritage of the great poet. This days the Museum, established on January 21, 1998 by the Decree of the President N. A. Nazarbayev, hosts the exhibition of hand-made items, dedicated to the International Women Day.


The board with the autograph of the Head of State


Right after the opening of the exhibition, we made time out to see these manufactures with our own eyes. We were met by the scientific fellowship of the Museum Aynur Omarova, she was that person who introduced to us each exhibit. Having seen the pendants of Mariam Zharokova (1887–1957), which is famous to the Kazakh people thanks to her «Dudar-ay» song, we could not conceal our amazement.


It appeared that in 1989 this pendant was presented to the Museum by the Muslim’s daughter Asanova Mariam. The pendant is made of pure silver. Amulet in the center of the manufacture has oblong shape, while hanging jewelry is round and decorated with ornaments.


Kazakh people have a great number of wise expressions about pendants as well as about their great advantage in point of women health.
The next exhibit, fixed our attention, was silver small strap. Immediately we plunged in its history. The owner of the strap and the person who presented it to the museum are unknown. The only certain fact is that the silver small strap was made in the end of XVIII — beginning of XIX century.


The small strap consists of eleven parts which are rectangles. The two parts of it form the central element serving as fastener. The parts of the adornment are combined with nails and copper wire.


Shortly after we observed extraordinary ear-rings; the place thanks to which it is hanged has pointed shape, the top part is triangular and there is a pattern in the form of the heart.


Silver bracelet look like those that were wore by our grandmothers. They can be divided into several groups including double bracelet; bracelet connected with rings by the chains; bracelet with round or square cross-section; with projection in the central part; twisted bracelet; bracelet made of different parts, combined by articulate method; and bracelet protecting from the bad eye.


Double bracelet


Manufactures, we told about, are the history of our people which we proud of, this is inexhaustible wealth. This is our national heritage given us by our ancestors in passion of the beauty and art.

Olzhas Berkinbayev

Journalist of the History of Kazakhstan Internet-project

translated by  I.KUZMENKO

June 9, 2014 