If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

On March 7 was held the round table discussion on “Newspaper “Dala ualiyaty (Steppe vilayaet) and history of Kazakhstan”

On March 7 was held the round table discussion on “Newspaper “Dala ualiyaty (Steppe vilayaet) and history of Kazakhstan” - e-history.kz

The Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Ualihanov together with Republican Socio-Political newspaper “President and nation” hosted round table discussion on “Dala ualiyaty and history of Kazakhstan”.

The director of the Institute H. Abzhanov spoke with introductory words, noticing that the aim of this round table discussion is to strengthen relations with media. As with help of media the articles can become public property, which contributes to formation of the readers’ historical consciousness. Using the media gives the opportunity to publish scientific works of Institute.  

V. Galiev, the senior Researcher of Institute and Ph.D., in his report emphasized the role of “Kyrgyz steppe newspaper” in formation of the Kazakh national intelligentsia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as the contribution of educators to the preservation of national identity.

M. Tokashbayev, the senior editor of Republican Socio-Political newspaper “President and nation” in his report emphasized on the role of mass media in shaping historical consciousness also paying attention to the features of periodicals. He suggested that in the future collaboration of historians and journalists will bear fruit.

M. Zhylysbayeva, the staff of the Central State Archive of Kazakhstan, and Head of the Use and Publication of Archival Holdings, told that at the funds of archive roundtable have documents related to the history of periodicals, also the use of them in the ongoing policy of Tsarist Russia. It was evidenced by the published orders, archival guides and resolutions in 1888 in the first issue of the newspaper “Dala ualiyaty” and in the annex of the newspaper “Akmolinsk Gazzette”.

S. Rustemov, the senior researcher of the Institute and Ph.D., emphasized to the role of national periodicals of late 19th and early 20th centuries. G. Ksenzhik the senior researcher, Ph.D. and docent, noticed that the elective course has been introduced at schools and shared the introductory methods of this course. Researcher R.Orazov in his scientific report noticed that the newspapers of that time had articles, which were dedicated to social and political issues also land issues. As the same time there were no sources and materials for the national liberation movements. Researcher M. Satenova in her scientific report introduced with information about main editor and translator of Kazakh language “Kyrgyz steppe newspaper” E.Ablayhanov, his life and political role.

Postgraduates of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi of the Department of History, Archeology and Ethnology G. Zhumadil and  M. Doskaliva noticed the role of newspaper in education and training activities. Publications in native language contributed to the development of self-consciousness, its historical memory, interest in their culture and spread of Kazakh literature.  

In the summary of round table discussion was noticed that the questions concerning the end of 19th and beginning 20th centuries have a big significance for domestic historical science.
