If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The book dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the end of hostilities in Afghanistan will be published in Temirtau

The basis of the book is the memories of war veterans in Afghanistan, who talked about the events of those years.

The book dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the end of hostilities in Afghanistan will be published in Temirtau, reports BNews.kz with reference to the department of internal policy of the city of Temirtau.

The pressrun of the book will consist of 500 copies, the collection will be released on February 15. The new book will have the collected stories of the Afghan war, about those people, who lived and live in the city of metallurgists. The department of internal policy of the city as well as the Union of Afghanistan veterans is engaged in the preparation of the book.

"The process of preparing of the publication took a few years, - says Tatiana Kurinnaya, the head of domestic policy of Temirtau, we had to revised several thousand of different materials. The hard work sometimes brings unexpected results: the authors accidentally learned about one of the soldiers in Afghanistan, who had not been mentioned in any lists.

 “We started to search the information on the internet when suddenly the book "Third helicopter squadrons" by Fedoseyev was issued. Flipping, reading to understand what happened there. Then we stumbled upon the information that the family of this warrior used to live in Temirtau. I called the Union of Afghan Veterans and asked if they know Fedoseyev. They said no. Then we decided to call the military enlistment office, they said the same. The man lived, worked, and we know nothing about him "- said T. Kurinnaya.

"We are beginning to learn more about the history of our compatriots: Fedoseyev was the father of Sergey Fedoseyev, who worked at the metallurgical plant. That is how we combined the images and landscapes"- said T.Kurinnaya.

The book will be solemnly presented to every soldier-internationalist. In addition, the book will be given to the city libraries and schools. According to the City recruiting office, about 336 people from Temirtau were intended to perform the international duty; nine of them were killed during the military operations. Today we have 216 soldiers-internationalists who live in Temirtau and in the village of Aktau.

It is important to recall, that the decision to send the Soviet troops to Afghanistan was taken on December 12, 1979 at a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU and confirmed with the secret decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU.  The Soviet invasion to the DRA in three areas began on December 25, 1979: Kushka-Shindand-Kandagar, Termez-Kunduz-Kabul, Horog-Faizabad. The marines were landed on the grounds of Kabul, Bagram and Kandagar.

The Afghan War lasted from December, 25 1979 until February, 15 1989. The Soviet troops were completely withdrawn from Afghanistan on February 15, 1989. According to some data the Soviet Army lost 14 thousand 427 people in this war. The exact number of Afghans people that were killed during the war is unknown. Available estimates from the various sources are ranging from 1 to 2 million people.