If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The monument to soldiers of Afghan will be built in Uralsk

The memorial to soldiers-internationalists who fought in Afghanistan will be built in Uralsk this year.

This was announced at a meeting of deputy akim, Bakhtiyar Maken, with representatives of state agencies and public organizations. On February 15, Uralsk will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, reports BNews.kz with the reference to the akimat of WKR.

The meeting was devoted to the organization of the commemoration events devoted to the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. That war was attended by about 1100 people from the West Kazakhstan Region and now there are only 800 people left. The memory of these people will live forever.

The monument to soldiers of Afghan will be built. Now we have the permissions of regional and city Maslikhats on allocation of land for the memorial,"- said the head of domestic policy of WKR Aigul Esekenova.

The monument to soldiers of Afghan will be located on the Victory Square. The master of the sculpture is Ibrahim Naydenov.

"The sculpture is about three meters tall. The portraits and names of the dead people from WKR will be carved on the bas-relief” - said the chairman of the regional society of invalids and veterans of the war in Afghanistan Tahir Koschanov.

About 27 people form the WKR died on the ground in Afganistan. During the meeting it was stated that, soldiers-internationalists and widows should receive 10 thousand tenge for the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Our main task is to hold the large-scale activities in all educational institutions, military units, colleges and universities, "- said the Deputy Mayor of WKR Bakhtiar Maken.

Also, during the meeting, the specialists promised to solve the social problems of soldiers-internationalists.
