If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The mail of the legendary Eset Batyr will be stored in the new museum at the mausoleum

Eset Kokіuly went down in history as a tireless fighter for the independence of his people against the foreign invaders, and for the contribution to the consolidation of the three zhuzes in a single s

The new museum and a hotel for pilgrims was opened at the memorial complex of Eset Batyr, which is located in the village Bestamak of the Alga area, reports inform.kz

It is clear that the burial place of the legendary Kazakh knight is visited by many pilgrims and tourists every year and their number is growing.

A small hotel was built here more than 10 years ago and with time the hotel stopped accommodates all visitors. Therefore, the governance of the Aktobe region decided to expand the complex. In 2013, more than 140 million tenge was allocated towards the realization of the program "Cultural heritage", as well as the sponsorship  funds were used in order to build a building with a hotel and dining room. Akim Mukhambetov Archimed visited the opening ceremony.

"Aktobe land has a lot of brave warriors and batyrs. Eset Kөkіұly is one of the legendary warriors of the Kazakh people, the commander of the Liitle Juz. He went down in history as a tireless fighter for the independence of his people against the foreign invaders, and for the contribution to the consolidation of the three zhuzes in a single state. We, the descendants, should adequately honor the memory of our famous ancestors "- said Mayor

In addition to the dining room for 180 people, the namazhana is located in a building, the rest rooms and a museum. The mail of the legendary Batyr, which was previously exhibited in the Regional Museum of History, is now stored in the museum. It is important to work with the collection of archival historical materials to replenish the local museum exhibits, said Mayor.

In the future, it is planned to repair the driveway at the memorial and to equip the entire infrastructure.
