If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Presentation of methodological manuals and films on theme ''Imandy ul, inabatty kyz - elding korki''

December, 10 2013 at 15.00, the Research Centre “Youth” will hold the presentation of the 11 study guides 5 films that were made in accordance with the order of the Committee of Youth at the MES

Press release

On December, 10 2013 at 15.00, the Research Centre “Youth” will hold the presentation of the 11 study guides (8 of them - in Kazakh , 3 - in Russian , topics will be presented below), 5 films that were made in accordance with the order of the Committee of Youth at the Ministry of Education and Science .

The materials have been designed for the teachers, parents and children aged from 13 to 18 years, in order to provide a special guidance for the educational work through the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people for the high school students.

New publications and videos were designed in accordance with the tasks outlined in the Letter of the President of Kazakhstan "Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050 ": a new policy line of the established state", which emphasizes the need to preserve the national traditions and promote the moral values ​​in contemporary Kazakh society.

The topics of the study guides:

"Ata Baba dәstүrі zhas ұrpaққa Amanat";

"Қazaқtyңәn-kүyі - Ulttyk tәrbienің kөzі";

"Ұltyқ aspap - uly mұraң";

"Tәrbielіk zharasady kyz balaғa";

"Memlekettіk rәmіzder - patriottyқ tәrbienің bastauy";

"Ulttyk bolmys - қazaқy қalyp";

"Tuysy bіrdің, uysy bіr";

"Er қadіrіn el bіler, zer қadіrіn zerger bіler";

"The development of national sports and games";

"Yurt is a monument of culture of the Kazakh people";

"Those who do not honor their parents – do not honor their people."

In addition, five films will be presented later (they all have Russian and Kazakh versions, so in total there are 10 films):

"Ulttyk Sport - salauatty omir bastauy" (“National Games: nurturing the winners"). (The chronometration: 40 minutes).

Er қadіrіn er bіler, zer қadіrіn zerger bіler" ("The mastery of jewelry – The Pearl of the applied art"). (The chronometration: 40 minutes).

"Қazaқtyң kiіz үy mәdenietі" ("Yurt is a monument of culture of the Kazakh people”)

(The chronometration: 30 minutes).

"Ulttyk bolmys - қazaқy қalyp" (“The National life: traditions and values”). (The chronometration: 20 minutes).

"Memlekettіk rәmіzder - patriottyқ tәrbienің bastauy" («The state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan »). (The chronometration: 10 minutes).

Time and address of the event:

On December, 10 2013 at 15.00.  50Imanov Street, business center "Kaynar", 5th floor.

Business Centre "Kynar" situated across the restaurant Luxor, if you travelling from the left coast towards the train station, it should be right after the bridge of the Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov. The Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov is also close.

The details of training manuals and films will be posted on the portal www.nic-zhastar.kz from December, 11.

Contact information:

Phone. 8-7172-27-70-39

FAX: 8-7172-27-70-43

+7 778 202 60 70

+7 705 583 36 05

e-mail: botanuraly@mail.ru
