If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The exhibition «Bіz kazak ezhelden azattyk angsagan» will be held in the Museum «Algir» in honor of the Independence Day.

The video-panoramic exhibition will be held in the museum and memorial complex of victims of political repressions and totalitarianism "ALGIR" in honor of the Independence Day.

The video-panoramic exhibition «Bіz kazak ezhelden azattyқ aңsaғan» will be held in the museum and memorial complex of victims of political repressions and totalitarianism "ALGIR" in honor of the Independence Day – reports astana.kz with reference to the museum and memorial complex "ALGIR".

The meeting of the representatives of the Public Fund "Naғyz zheltoқsan" with the students of the high school number 5 will be held during the main event.Together, they will remember the tragic moments of the days of December 1986 and honor the legacy of the participants of those events.

The documentary "1986 zhyl: Alash perzentterі” will be shown at the end of the event.

The event was organized by the Capital Office of culture, the internal policy management and the Public Fund "Naғyz zheltoқsan."

The exhibition «Bіz kazak ezhelden azattyқ aңsaғan» will be held from December, 12 till December, 20.