If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Life - to the Fatherland!

Life - to the Fatherland! - e-history.kz
Within the cycle of events "Mangilik El" kairatkerleri", to the 90th anniversary of the birthday of the party and state leader of Kazakhstan O. Batyrbekov, President's Archive organized a round table

The round table was opened by the deputy director of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Shakarimovich Alimgazinov. The moderator welcomed the participants of the jubilee event, noted the contribution of O. Batyrbekov to the formation of cadres of the party and Soviet nomenclature of Kazakhstan. In addition, he is the founder of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In June 2000, the personal foundation of O.B. Batyrbekov was supplemented by documents of his family. The fund includes documents of the scientist and social scientist, doctor of historical sciences Batyrbekov Gaziz Orazayevich (1959-2003), who studied the work of the scientific intelligentsia of Kazakhstan, including the scientific legacy of Academician K.I. Satpayev, as well as documents of Kazakh literary critic, Candidate of Philology Batyrbekova Raikhan Orazayevna (1967-2002). Shamshiyabanu Kanyshevna Satpayeva (1930-2002), corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1979), doctor of philological sciences, professor, honored worker of science of Kazakhstan (1991) also took part in the documents of the personal fund.

The main expert of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikash Zhibek Turarbekovna, spoke in more detail about the life and activity of Orazay Batyrbekovich. The documents of Orazay Batyrbekovich Batyrbekov were accepted for state storage in 1998. In the personal fund of O.B. Batyrbekov documents showing his biography, work activities, letters, works, research results, articles, congratulatory addresses, memories, photographs of different years and other materials are kept.

Batyrbekov Orazay Batyrbekovich writes in his autobiography: "I was born on April 23, 1927 in aul No. 9 of the Zhezkazgan district of the Karaganda region. I was the youngest sixth child and the only child bearing a family name by the name of my father. Three brothers and two sisters (before marriage) had the surname of my father - Barzhaksynovs. Mother Katcha died in 1930. In 1937 I enrolled in the 1st grade of Karsakpay Secondary School. After the death of my father in 1941, I was brought up by my sister Katira Akanova, who lived in Alma-Ata. During the war years, being a pupil of the 6th-7th grades, he had to combine his studies with a job in the editorial office of the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" as a courier. In the book "Tagdyr tolkynynda" Orazay recalls the amusing incident that happened to him in the newspaper's editorial office.

In 1943, the hero Malik Gabdullin came on vacation from the front. He was well received at the editorial office. Seeing the boy, he, as a senior, traditionally asked: "Whose son are you?" to which he replied: "I'm not someone's son, I'm an editorial worker." Everyone began to laugh. After that, Malik Gabdullin said: "This child should be given such a job so that he does not lag behind the studies."

Perhaps these words influenced the fact that he was soon transferred to work as a copyholder, and then as an assistant to proofreader.

In 1946-1951 he studied at the Faculty of History of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. In 1952-1954 he studied at the graduate school at the Department of Political Economy of the Kazakh State University, in parallel with his studies he taught political economy in the training center of the KazPromSovet and Alma-Ata State Medical Institute. He defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, received the academic title of associate professor.

In 1954-1961 he worked in the Frunze District Committee of the city of Alma-Ata, and then in the Alma-Ata City Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. Since 1961, he began working in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, first as a responsible organizer, and then successively as an inspector, deputy head of the department of party organs and first deputy head. In 1971-1977 he headed the department of organizational and party work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1977-1990 he worked as rector of the Alma-Ata Higher Party School.

A lot of kind words were said about Orazay Batyrbekovich by his relatives and associates.

Shangirey Zhanybekov, one of the founders of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, knew O.B. Batyrbekov in the last years of his life. Under his supervision all the organs, Soviet, party, Komsomol were. The solution to all problems depended on such people. When he turned out to be a department head of the Central Committee, I recognized him. When in 1976 I moved to Almaty, meetings with him were business. During the Soviet period, special events, as now receptions, evenings, restaurants were not encouraged. Soviet workers were not allowed to behave like this. So that there will be no charges of squandering. With the collapse of the USSR, I directed the society of Kazakhstan to establish contacts with foreign Kazakhs, went to a meeting. Among the participants of the meeting was Orazay. He sat in a corner, did not interfere in anything. I approached him, invited him to come to work. The next day he came, and I offered him a job in the company "Kazakhstan". We needed a representative of the company, who would deal with affairs to support the Kazakhs who remained in the post-Soviet republics. He agreed, and we worked together for about 2 years, communicated every day. Before leaving for Zhezkazgan, he called, said that he wanted to visit his native land, but soon the sad news came that he had died on his way to his native land. I had this opinion: he was a very competent person, conscientious, brought the case to the end; he was noble in his behavior. He must be respected by future generations.

Niretina Nadezhda, head of the Archive of Academician K.I. Satpayev, has kept the best memories of Batyrbekov. Orazay was a strong and wise man. He suffered a serious tragedy, the death of his wife and children, and did not get sour, did not get angry, and did not blame fate or people. So behave themselves only wise people. We communicated until the last day at all “Satpayev” events. With great respect he treated me; I now appreciate this more, seeing his big role. He was actively engaged in the affairs of the International Fund of K. Satpayev. After the death of Salykov he wanted to revive this fund, but time was different. This generation, which built this country, already did not have those strengths and capabilities. We cherish the memory of him.

Director of the Institute of History of State, Professor B. Ayagan recalled how he met with O. Batyrbekov on party work in Almaty. Party-ideological work with him was set at a high level. But here is the historical curiosity of this system: the Almaty Higher Party School trained the leading cadres for the construction of socialism, and they had to build the market economy of sovereign Kazakhstan.

In addition, the work and contribution of such figures as Orazay Batyrbekov should not be forgotten; we must release a special film or book.


O. Batyrbekov was twice elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR of VIII and IX convocations, repeatedly a deputy of the Alma-Ata City Council of People's Deputies. He was elected delegate of XXV Congress of the CPSU and a number of congresses of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. Five times he was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, elected in XII (1966), XIII (1971), XIV (1976), XV (1981), XVI (1986) congresses and several times in the composition of the Alma-Ata City Party Committee. In the delegation of the CPSU Central Committee for the exchange of experience was in Czechoslovakia (1971), the Republic of Cuba (1978), and in 1989 the head of the delegation in Cambodia. He was awarded three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor, four medals of the USSR and Honorary Diplomas of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, the Central Committee of the Young Communist League of Kazakhstan, the Society of Friendship of Peoples, silver and bronze medals of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR. Orazay Batyrbekovich is the author of a number of books and scientific articles on economics and political science.


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA