If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly


The Historical and Local History Museum of the West Kazakhstan Region presents to visitors the books of A. Kharuzin "The Golden Princess" and "Dombra of Kurmangazy"

In the framework of the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in ethno-aul located on the territory of the racetrack "Kazanat" of the city of Astana, the exhibition was opened, organized by the Historical and Local History Museum of the West Kazakhstan region.

About 400 valuable exhibits, brought to the capital from the city of Uralsk, located at the junction of two great civilizations - Europe and Asia, are exhibited at the exhibition. Attention of residents of the capital and guests of the international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 will be presented valuable archaeological exhibits, jewelry, ethnographic values ​​of the historical and local history museum of the West Kazakhstan region, one of the oldest museums in Kazakhstan.

"The purpose of this exhibition is to get familiarized with archeology, ethnography, culture and art, the history of the development of peoples who inhabited the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, from the ancient nomadic culture to the present day, enhance cultural ties between the regions," says the museum's head Mirbolat Yersayev.

Among the valuable exhibits of the museum are books by A. Kharuzin "The Golden Princess", "Dombra of Kurmangazy", "Kirghiz of the Bukey Horde", which, in the opinion of the museum's management, should arouse the interest of visitors.

We were among those who saw the Golden Princess, which occupies a special place among the exhibits. It can not but arouses the interest of visitors. "The Golden Princess", found in the burial complex of Taksay, Terekti district of the West Kazakhstan region, belongs to the ancient Sarmatian era of the IV-VI centuries BC, one of the four golden people found on the territory of our country.

Also on display were gold products, silver jewelry, facing bricks found on the site of the ancient settlement of Zhaiyk, archival documents describing events from the history of the Inner (Bukey) Horde, signs and seals of the foremen of the families, biys and volosts.

Visitors will see a copy of the latest clothing of Junior Horde Khan Zhangir and Fatimah Khanum, the book by A.N. Kharuzin "Kirghiz of the Bukey Horde", published in 1891, a copy of the dombra of famous Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, chapan and the dombra of K. Zhantleuov, national clothes and musical instruments of the peoples who inhabited the coast Zhaiyk, graphics of A. Kasteyev "Meeting of Kyz Zhibek and Tulegen" written in 1941, jewelry of Kazakh girls.

In addition, an exhibition of masters of applied crafts and artists "EXPO-2017 - a journey to the exhibitions of the world" was organized in the ethno-aul located on the racetrack "Kazanat", organized by the regional center of folk art and the museum of the West Kazakhstan region.

The exhibition will be held in ethno-aul located at the racetrack "Kazanat", from July 31 to August 4 this year.


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA