If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

About the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary

About the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary - e-history.kz
114 years ago it was opened for the training of teachers of public schools, not only for the then Steppe Region, but also for many regions of Western Siberia

The trustee of the West Siberian educational district, L.I. Lavrentyev, in February 1899 raised the issue of opening a new teacher's seminary in the district, the second in Western Siberia. L.I. Lavrentyev with his arguments could convince the Steppe Governor to establish a seminary in the city of Semipalatinsk. The city occupied, as it were, the middle position between the Kirghiz regions: Akmola, Semipalatinsk and Semirechye.

Since July 1, 1903, the seminary began to be funded from the state treasury and received 12,000 rubles: 5.3 for maintenance of personnel, 3 for maintenance of pupils and scholarships, and 3.7 for economic expenses. Since the next year, funding has been doubled.

September 23, 1903, was the opening of the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary. To enter it the applicants from the provinces arrived: Tomsk, Tobolsk, Voronezh, Orel, Vilensk, Semipalatinsk, Semirechye and Don Military Region. Later they began to receive students from Tobol, Barnaul, and Zhetisu.

After the entrance examinations in the first year of the seminary, 35 boys were students: in the preparatory class - 13 and in the first 22. From the next academic year, there were already 3 classes in the seminary: the preparatory class, the first and the second, in which 59 pupils studied. At this time, the seminary had 60 state and 9 private scholarships, 100 rubles each.

In 1904, the seminary opened an exemplary 2-class school, which received 24 boys.

The first director of the seminary was A. I. Bely. The teachers contributed to the formation of the seminary: the brothers Beloslyudovs, N. Ya. Konshin, I. Ya. Malakhov, V.N. Popov, the spouses Nurgali and Nazipa Kozhanovs, A. Sattayev, and others.

And only since 1905 the preparation of teachers began in all classes.

Let's address to addresses-calendars and reviews of the Semipalatinsk region, stored in Municipal Institution "Documentation Center of Contemporary History" in Semey.

№1 From the address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1905, Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary

“Director – Alexander Bely.

Lawyers: Andrew Balashov and Ioann Nikolsky.

Mentors: Ignat Mikhaylovich Skorkovsky, Ivan Apollonovich Preobrazhensky and Vsevolod Alexandrovich Fedorovsky.

Teacher of Arts - Ilya Vassilyevich Volkov.

Teacher of singing - Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Chulkov.

Gymnastics teacher - Ignat Mikhaylovich Skorkovsky.

Teacher of the Kirghiz language – I.T. Tarabayev”.

According to the existing situation, young people were accepted into the seminary: in the preparatory class, not less than fourteen and in the first class, not less than fifteen years old.

The curriculum of the seminary included the following lessons: the law of God and Church Slavic reading, Russian and Church Slavic languages, pedagogy, arithmetic, geometry, history, geography, science and agriculture, physics, calligraphy, art and drawing, singing, gymnastics and Physical exercises, practical exercises and manual labor. At the Teachers' Seminary there was an experimental field-site where students were familiarized with the ways of conducting truck farming, etc. By the beginning of 1906 almost 50 thousand rubles had been spent on construction. And the wooden building of the Teacher's Seminary was finished and the laying of the two links of the main building was finished.

October 5, 1906, the grand opening of the new building of the Teachers' Seminary took place, and from the next day classes began here.

№2 From the review of the Semipalatinsk region for 1906, Public education. The existing educational institutions in the Semipalatinsk region can be divided into the following groups:

1) secondary schools, 2) educational institutions for the training of teachers, 3) agricultural schools of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property, 4) the lower educational institutions of the Ministry of the National Enlightenment in cities, 5) the same in peasant settlements, 6) the lower Cossack schools, 7) parochial and missionary schools and literacy schools, 8) the lower Kyrgyz schools, 9) Mohammedan schools with mosques and prayer houses.

The teacher's seminary opened in 1903 in Semipalatinsk was one of the educational institutions for the preparation of teachers. By January 1, 1907, all students in the seminary were 84, including in preparation classes - 27, 1 classes - 24, 2 classes - 18, 3 classes - 15. The maintenance of the seminary in 1905 received 25,375 rubles and 50 kopecks. For pupils of the seminary there are scholarships: 50 - state, 9 - territorial and 1 - Cossack. At the seminary in 1904, an exemplary 2-class school was opened, in it there were 58 pupils".

On March 21, 1909, in the assembly hall of the Teachers' Seminary, a service was held to arrange a house church in it - in the name of St. Innocent, the first bishop of the Irkutsk Wonderworker. Funds for its construction were obtained from the donation of merchants and townspeople of the city.

The first director of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary was the out-door counselor Alexander Vladimirovich Bely, but he did not manage this school for long. Since September 2, 1906, the director of the seminary was appointed graduate of the Imperial St. Petersburg Historical and Philological Institute, the teacher-inspector of the Semipalatinsk Gymnasium, the collegiate adviser Mikhail Nikolayevich Bereznikov, who served in this post until the very revolution. The second after the director of a significant post was a teacher of law, on August 15, 1903, the priest of the Resurrection Church Andrei Balashov was appointed, but he also did not work for a long time. On July 1, 1905, he was succeeded by the priest of the Nikolayev church, Boris Gerassimov, who, with a small break, taught pupils to various subjects until 1925. The first teachers of the seminary were collegiate advisers: Ignat Mikhaylovich Skorkovsky, Ivan Apollonovich Preobrazhensky, Vsevolod Alexandrovich Fedorovsky, teachers of art Ilya Vassilyevich Volkov, singing - Nikolay Vyacheslavovich Chulkov, gymnastics - Ignat Mikhaylovich Skorkovsky.

From July 1, 1905, at the Semipalatinsk Teachers' Seminary, the post of teacher of the Kyrgyz language was established, which was awarded the "salary of seven hundred and fifty rubles a year / with an apartment, the VIIIth class for the promotion in ranks and the right to retirement in the educational service from the salary in six hundred rubles." On August, 1 of the same year, the teacher of the Kostanay two-grade Russian-Kazakh school, Nurgali Kuldzhanovich Kuldzhanov, who served in the seminary for more than 10 years, was accepted for this post. In June, 1906 the teachers' seminary hosted the first graduation of pupils and all of them were given certificates for the title of teachers of primary schools. In December 1906, at the teachers' seminary, at the request of the pupils and with the permission of the curator of the educational district, the teaching of languages ​​was introduced: French and Latin. It was also planned to study the German language. All this was voluntary and in after-hours.

№3 From the address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1907, Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary "Director - Mikhail Nikolayevich Bereznikov. Lawyer - Boris Gerassimov.

Mentors: physics and natural science – S.N. Stepanov, history and geography - Evgeny Andreyevich Krestinsky, mathematics - Kharchenko, Russian – V.A. Fedorovsky.

Teachers: Kirghiz language – P.K. Kuldzhanov, arts – V.T. Vinokurov, manual labor – A.P. Brykov, singing – E.A. Krestinsky.

Teachers: Boris Gerassimov, A.P. Brykov and V. S. Ussov.

Doctor – I.G. Gurbanov».

№4 From the address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1910, Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary

"Teacher's seminary opened in Semipalatinsk in 1903 in the number of educational institutions for teaching staff. By the end of 1910, all students in the seminary were 101, including: in the preparatory classes - 27, 1 classes - 22, 2 classes - 26, 3 classes - 26.

According to estates and confessions, students were distributed: sons of bourgeois - 35, peasants - 32, Cossacks - 21, others - 13.

Orthodox - 94, Mohammedan - 6, Catholics - 1.

For Seminar content in 1910 were received 26,715 rubles and 50 kopecks, in the composition of this amount from the funds of the State Treasury - 24,375 rubles and 50 kopecks, of territorial budget 1770 rubles, from the city 120 rubles and from the sums of the Siberian Cossack army 450 rubles. For students of the seminary there were scholarships: 50 - state, 6 - territorial, 4 - Cossack and 1 - city."

And on August 1, 1914 the seminary was given a high name - "The August Name of His Imperial Highness the Heir of the Tsesarevich and the Grand Duke Alexei Nikolayevich."

№5 From the address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1915 at the Semipalatinsk Teachers' Seminary

"Director - a civilian Mikhail Nikolayevich Bereznikov.

Lawyer – priest Boris Gerassimov.

Mentors: councilor of state Sergey Nikolayevich Stepanov, Nikolai Mikhaylovich Kharchenko, and Ivan Parfenovich Nikitin.

Teachers: governor secretary Nurgali Kuldzhanovich Kuldzhanov, Nikolay Nikolayevich Bagishev, Pavel Stepanovich Kotlov, and Luka Stepanovich Lyalyukov.

Doctor – councilor of state Ivan Georgiyevich Gurbanov.

Honorary Trustee - merchant Ivan Mikhaylovich Lozhkin".

Let’s refer to the documents of Semipalatinsk Teachers' Seminary for the years 1903-1915, which were revealed by archivists of Documentation Center of Contemporary History of East Kazakhstan oblast in the State archive of the Tomsk region.

№6 From the statement of the director of Semipalatinsk Teachers' Seminary M. Bereznikov to Honoured Trustee of the West Siberian educational district “On the increasing of state-owned scholarships”.

January 31, 1913

Lack of financial support and often poor conditions of existence of the seminary students who do not use grants, have always constituted one of the serious concerns of the Pedagogical Council and partial seminary director, with an increase in the number of pupils they are compounded worries. Already in the present academic year, of 112 students counting among fellows 76: 50 state-owned, 20 territorial, 4 military and 2 private, without scholarships 36 students are studied, in the future school year when taking 30-35 pupils, the number of pupils who do not use scholarships increase to 50.

It is impossible to look indifferently at the needs of poor pupils, and the welfare societies existing in the seminary provided and supported them with benefits. But the funds of the Society not only do not increase, but decrease, as the numbers of charitable evenings, which are the main source of replenishment of funds, charitable institutions, are increasing every year.

Needless to obtaining funds for the Society is of Seminary care, but this concern, with all its burdens, it does not meet the needs of pupils and especially not in a position to satisfy the increasing number of students.

In view of the above, the increase in the number of scholarships in the treasury entrusted to me the teachers' seminary from the beginning of 1914 to 10 pupils would be a boon for the seminary.

Director of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary M. Bereznikov, State Archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 2897, page 19-20, copy

№7 Representation of the Director of Semipalatinsk Teachers' Seminary M. Bereznikov to Honoured Trustee of the West Siberian educational district of list of state-owned fellows

June 10, 1908

I have the honor to represent to Your Excellency a list of state-owned scholars entrusted to me the teachers' seminary, graduating in June of this year and I hereby report that in addition to the mentioned in this list of state-owned fellows this year completed the course 4 more scholars from Semipalatinsk region: Barlybayev Akhmetulla, Zeinov Abykei, Nurkenev Tavekel and Khassenov Abish.

Director of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary M. Bereznikov, State Archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 2340, page 8, copy

№8 From the attitude of the teacher N. Kuldzhanov to the Semipalatinsk regional government on the release of 6 territorial scholarships.

June 4, 1916

As a consequence of the attitude of June 3, 1916 for No. 10954, I have the honor to inform the Regional Board that by the beginning of the 1916-1917 academic year in the seminary entrusted to me, 6 scholarships are vacated from the 20 territorial scholarships, and the remaining 14 are occupied by the below-named pupils who with excellent behavior and good success in science, continue the teaching in this seminary:

1. Aimautov Zhussupbek

2. Grigoryev Gavriil

3. Zubkov Pavel

4. Oshkin Vassily

5. Satpayev Abdul-Gali

6. Taranskikh Ivan

7. Kalmakov Pavel

8. Lukashev Evgeny

9. Antonov Polycarp

10. Ustimenko Alexander

11. Tabelkov Tikhon

12. Nurmukhamedov Kazy

13. Novikov Peter

14. Seysembayev Akhmetbek

Director of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary M. Bereznikov and teacher N. Kuldzhanov

State archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 2897, page 15, copy

№9 From the annual report of the director of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary about the number of pupils for 1904-1913

State archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 2897, page 18, copy

№10 Programs on the history of the Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary for the 1913-1914 academic year.

Preparatory class

Ancient history

A. A short sketch of the history of the ancient East

1. Egypt

2. Phoenicia

3. Assyria and Babylonia

4. Persia

B. A short sketch of the history of the ancient Greece

1. Geography and ethnography of ancient Greece

2. The mythical period of Greece

3. The religion of the ancient Greeks

4. The resettlement of the dorians

5. The loskanica

7. The Greco-Persian wars

8. The age of Pericles

9. The Peloponnesian war

10. The era of Sparta's dominance and the decline of Greece

11. Macedonia

State archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 2897, page 17, copy

№11 From the annual report on the Semipalatinsk Name after Tsesarevich Alexei Teacher's Seminary for 1915

The Semipalatinsk teacher's seminary was opened on July 1, 1903. In 1913, the first decade of its existence was celebrated. In those difficult years, there seemed to be no clearance in the future. The seminary did not meet support from outside. But the Lord God did not leave it by His mercy in those years: the life of the seminary grew stronger, and gradually reached fullness, and by 1912, and in the following years, it adopted that absolutely definite positive system, in which, with good diligence, it remains only to improve, fulfilling cheerfully and confidently, believing itself and its purpose.


The main building of the seminary has quite a sufficient number of rooms, for both major classes, and for all of educational institutions at the seminary. In the seminary building there is a room for the class of manual labor, for the drawing class, for the physical and natural history cabinet and for the library. The walls are hanged with portraits of the kings and emperors of the Romanov dynasty, and in the center of these portraits in gold frames a portrait of the Emperor, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and August Patron of the seminary heir Tsesarevich. Between the portraits of Their Majesties in frames hung with gold printed texts of the highest command of the Most Gracious Majesty the expression of his gratitude for the expression of the teachers' council and pupils of the seminary feelings of loyalty and royal permission for assignment seminary the august name of His Highness the Heir.

Seminary Library

Seminary Library for 12 years of its existence has been enriched by a significant number of useful in the educational relation works and benefits. With the gradual acquisition of books in the library of the seminary, by the end of 1915 it amounted to 5111 titles of works in 9781 volumes, totaling 10,825 rubles.

Musical class

The arrangement of the music class in the seminary began with the acquisition for the seminary of a grand piano and two harmoniums. Then, in order to spread the interest in music among pupils of the seminary, violins, guitars, mandolins, balalaikas were acquired annually, and in the last years the third harmonium, gramophone, double bass, cello, viola, flute, clarinet, trombone and drum were acquired. By the end of the school year, the seminary had 1 grand piano, 3 harmoniums, 1 string contrabass, 30 violins, 18 guitars, 13 mandolins, 58 balalaikas, 1 clarinet, 1 flute, 1 trombone and 1 drum, and 131 instruments totaling 2233 rubles and 80 kopecks, including 20 instruments purchased in the reporting year for 150 rubles.

Meteorological station

The meteorological station, which is in the general jurisdiction of the Yekaterinburg Observatory, was transferred to the seminary by agreement with this observatory in 1911. Observations of this station are made three times a day: at 7 am, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and at 9 o'clock in the evening elected for that and supervised mentor S.N. Stepanov and his pupils, the results of observation are sent by telegraph daily to the Main Nikolayev Observatory in Petrograd and in Vladivostok Observatory, and detailed information with their general summary monthly to the Yekaterinburg Observatory.

The activities of persons in authority and educational personnel

Lawyer of the seminary O.B. Gerassimov diligently performed his pastoral duties: taking care of the solemn liturgy, taught church singing the singers who sang in the choir left, on Saturdays weekly performed memorial services for soldiers killed on the battlefield, on Friday he explained to pupils of the seminary Sunday gospels, and other training days during the common prayers read the relevant passages from St. Gospel, Divine Service for the holidays, addressing the congregation about Exterminated the teachings and clarified the significance of the events celebrated. Teacher N.K. Kuldzhanov besides teaching the Kyrgyz language was in charge of the issuance to the pupils of the seminary textbooks.

In the reporting year 1915, the Teachers' Council had 21 meetings. Meetings of these were devoted to summarizing the behavior, diligence, attention and success seminary students of the fourth year, the annual consideration of the pupils’ success, reception, conversion and final tests, and students discuss the misconduct correction measures, review deadlines seminary pupils written work.

Behavior of pupils

The behavior of pupils of the seminary in the reporting year did not deserve special reproaches. The general spirit of the students of the seminary would be most closely defined as follows: to their heart there is a straight path. Remarks and reprimands, albeit strict, conscious of their innocence they listen to the full consciousness of their guilt. The continued responsiveness met by them to their comrades: they never abandoned to have some form of assistance to their comrades in the case, for example, their diseases when notified about the diseases of their comrades who had lived together with them in apartments, willingly took the trouble to obtain for the sick comrades drugs from pharmacies, etc.

The Society of Aid to Needy Seminary Students

In 1905, at the initiative of the former director of the seminary A.V. Bely, the Seminary established the Society for Assistance to Needy Students of the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary. By January 1, 1916, the Society consisted of 23 valid and 10 honorary members. Of the individual income (charity concert, donations and membership fees) during 1916, the amount was 661 rubles and 35 kopecks.

Director of the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary named after Aleksey Tsesarevich M. Bereznikov, State archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 2, case 3117, page 2-19, and copy

№12 From the information about the teachers of the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary named after Aleksey Tsesarevich by January 25, 1915

1. Mikhail Nikolayevich Bereznikov. He graduated from the course of the Imperial Petrograd Historical and Philological Institute and the title of teacher of Slavs. He is the director of the seminary. The subject of teaching is pedagogy, in the 2nd and 3rd grades.

2. Boris Georgiyevich Gerassimov. He graduated from the course of the Tomsk Theological Seminary. He is a lawyer. The subject of teaching is the law of God, in 1, 2, 3 grades and preparatory classes, in the primary school.

3. Nurgali Kuldzhanovich Kuldzhanov. He graduated from the Orenburg Teachers School. He is a teacher of the Kirghiz language in 1, 2, 3 grades and preparatory classes.

State archive of Tomsk oblast, file 126, series 4, case 97, page 249, copy

In 1916, the teachers' seminary had already 107 students and in addition, 104 students were engaged in the primary two-year school. At the seminary, 77 seminarians used state and private scholarships, the size of which increased from 100 rubles in 1903 to 180 rubles in 1916.

In the teachers' seminary, prominent representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia were trained: M. Auezov, K. Satpayev, A. Margulan, J. Aymauytov, A. Nurshaikhov, A. Kudaiberdiyev, G. Sarmurzin, Sh. Aymanov and others.

In 1922 a Russian pedagogical technical school was opened on the basis of the seminary, which in 1937 was reorganized into a pedagogical school.

№13 From the Yearbook of the Semipalatinsk province, review for 1925-1926, professional education, the network of vocational schools

In 1953 the school was transformed into the Russian-Kazakh Pedagogical School named after K.D. Ushinsky on the basis of the order No.592 for the Semipalatinsk Oblast education department from 10.09.1953. In 1963 it was opened as a pedagogical school. In 1967 it was named after M. Auezov. Since May 22, 1992 the school has been transformed into a pedagogical college.


1. Address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1905

2. Address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1906

3. Address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1907

4. Address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1910

5. Address-calendar of the Semipalatinsk region for 1915

6. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.2, case 2897

7. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.2, case 2340

8. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.2, case 2897

9. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.2, case 2897

10. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.2, case 3117

11. State archive of Tomsk oblast, f-126, ser.4, case 97

12. Yearbook of the Semipalatinsk province, review of 1925-1926


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA
