If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

In the footsteps of our ancestors

In the footsteps of our ancestors - e-history.kz
A report on the arrest of the leader of the Alash Horde Party - Akhmet Baitursynov was found in the Orenburg museum

The scientific expedition "In the footsteps of ancestors" will visit 15 countries to follow the footsteps of ancestors. The scientific group was headed by the traveler - the president of the Astana branch of the International Public Charity Foundation named after Sagadat Nurmagambetov Sapar Iskakov. The expedition will last 65 days. During this time, they will visit such countries as Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovenia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary and the Vatican. The choice for these states fell not accidentally. According to some historians - it was here that the ancestors of modern Kazakhs could live.

The main purpose of the expedition is to track and study the traces of the migration of Kazakh ancestors, as well as to get acquainted with the descendants of the ancient Huns, Turks, and Kypchaks.

The expedition leader has a wealth of experience in a wide variety of expeditions, including the North and South Poles, as well as taking part in a round-the-world journey lasting 119 days. According to him, the expedition began last year, and its participants visited India, Egypt, Mongolia, Central Asia, and partly Europe.

"We want to go where the traces of our ancestors’ horses’ hooves reached. They reach practically to the Atlantic Ocean in the west, to India in the east, to Russia in the north," Iskakov said.

The traveler told how the studies of the probability of the presence of Kazakh ancestors in these countries will be conducted.

"Here we will meet with their scientists, we will talk with local residents, take DNA tests and study historical materials together," he said.

The expedition will last from May 4 to July 10. Based on its results, a documentary film will be produced. In addition, the expedition members will publish a scientific report, and even possibly publish a book about the journey. A large-scale event will be financed by the International Public Charity Foundation named after Sagadat Nurmagambetov.

Scientific expedition "In the footsteps of ancestors" arrived in Orenburg. Travelers are sure, it is here that there are many unsolved discoveries and unknown to this day historical data. Until now, the building in the center of the city where the first and second congresses of the Alash Party once passed was preserved. It was here that the Alash Horde was formed. The congress passed after the October and February revolutions. According to historical data, debated issues were discussed at it. Thus, the participants tried to resolve the conflict and find a common solution to the problem.

And in this building as early as 1850-1857 the Kazakh enlightener Ybyray Altynsarin was studying. After completing his studies, he opens the first school in Torgay. Here, opposite the school is the house where Alikhan Bukeikhanov lived. In the city museum preserved exhibits, which, according to scientists, will help to open new pages of the history of the last century. An exclusive document dating back to 1910 is already found.

Ekaterina Kasttsova, an employee of the Orenburg Museum: "There are a lot of documents. For example, one of the most interesting is the letter of Orenburg military governor Perovskiy to Khan Khivinsky. In it he demanded to stop the attack on the Kazakhs. In addition, a copy of the newspaper was kept with the release of Ybyray Altynsarin. Archival documents, letters, notes - all this can become the basis of new discoveries in the history of Kazakhstan."

Members of the expedition are sure that there are still many "blank spots" in the annals.

"The expedition is interested in everything that concerns the history of our people. Here in the archive you can find many valuable documents. Together with young people and scientists, we will unravel the secrets of the formation of the Alash Horde. All of us are witnessing a new history," - shares the head of the expedition "In the footsteps of ancestors" S. Iskakov.


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA
