If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Looking into the future

Looking into the future - e-history.kz
Nursultan Nazarbayev took part in the XXV session of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

Over 1500 people took part in the work of this session, the key provisions of the agenda of which were "Stability, unity, consent - the basis of modernization". Among them: members and veterans of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan from all regions, chairmen of republican and regional ethno-cultural associations, members of the Parliament, heads of central executive bodies, political parties, religious associations, NGOs, rectors of universities, representatives of diplomatic missions, scientific, creative intelligentsia and the media.

Speaking to the participants of the event, the Head of State stressed that 2017 is unique and special in the history of independent Kazakhstan.

"This year, the system modernization has come to the forefront of all our work. First, we have launched modernization of the economy. Secondly, we started political modernization. Thirdly, we proceed to modernize public consciousness. As you know, my article "Looking into the future: directions of modernization of public consciousness" is devoted to this," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The President of Kazakhstan drew attention to the main purpose of the program article and shared his vision of the evolution of Kazakhstan society.

"First of all, I have designated the image of a Kazakhstani - how I want to see him. First, it is a creative personality, competitive in the global world. Secondly, it is a pragmatist and realist, focused on achieving specific goals. Thirdly, it is a person who has strengthened national identity and abandoned everything that hinders the development of the nation. Fourthly, this person is at the peak of global knowledge, for which the cult of education is of paramount importance. Fifthly, it is a conscious citizen who clearly understands - only evolutionary development gives people a chance to prosper. Sixthly, he is an open-minded person, a multilingual intellectual who is ready for changes and a perception of the best world experience," the Head of State said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the role of the National Commission for Modernization of Public Consciousness, stressing the importance of in-depth study of the provisions put forward in the program article.

The President of Kazakhstan expressed his confidence that the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan would take an active part in modernizing public consciousness and listed a number of projects in which the members of the Assembly could realize their potential.

«First, great opportunities open to the Assembly in the project "Small Motherland" - "Tugan zher". Second, the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" has the most direct relation to the Assembly. How many of our remarkable contemporaries, activists of the Assembly work for the good of the country. Such people should be shown regardless of ethnic, regional, gender, or religious affiliation. The criterion here is one: contribution to the development of Kazakhstan. Third, the Assembly can participate in the project "Modern Kazakhstan culture in the global world," the Head of State said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev also noted the relevance of the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge" for the formation of youth consciousness.

The head of state drew the attention of those present to the current global risks facing the state and society, and instructed central and local state bodies to develop new, non-standard solutions to preserve peace and harmony in the country.

The President of Kazakhstan, noting the correctness and timeliness of the measures taken, determined a number of new tasks for the Assembly and state bodies.

During the session, Nursultan Nazarbayev paid special attention to information work and instructed to create a multifunctional multimedia portal of the Assembly in 2018, as well as an interactive historical map - "The People of Kazakhstan".

"The electronic map will clearly and in detail show the process of consolidation of all nationalities on the ancient Kazakh land - taking into account the special, state-forming mission of the Kazakh nation. I instruct the Ministry of Education and Science together with the Assembly to develop such an interactive map on a scientific basis and present it on the Day of Gratitude next year," said the President of Kazakhstan.

Also Nursultan Nazarbayev called on representatives of business, creative and scientific intelligentsia to take part in the project "Small Motherland" and to direct their efforts to support their fellow countrymen in the villages.

According to Salman Geroyev, the chairman of the Chechen-Ingush ethno-cultural association "Vainakh" in Astana, the agenda of the Assembly anniversary session is very important for the Kazakh society.

"Our Kazakhstan model of interethnic accord is an important structure for uniting all of us under a single shanyrak. Today the session participants discussed how we can improve public consciousness, how to improve stability, unity and harmony. The session takes place on the eve of the Day of Unity of Our People. This is a holiday - the unity of all ethnic groups, we thereby realize the main content of the patriotic act "Mangilik El" movement towards a single nation. We know the culture, traditions and customs of each other and even exchange national dishes. I wish that we together advance faster along the path of unity of our peoples, towards a single nation, as Nursultan Nazarbayev calls us in his address," Salman Saydarovich said.

Nazim Shikhaliyev, the head of the national-cultural center of Azerbaijanis of Akmola region:

"We enthusiastically embraced the ideas of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a new way of thinking - how in the future it is necessary to build our statehood, how to change the consciousness of youth in order to prepare good cadres for the future of our Kazakhstani nation. On the new strategy - how to act, how to build our life, how to strengthen Kazakhstan's unity even more, the model of which is truly recognized throughout the world and used in its experience. We are a good example for the whole world. Our country is rich not only by the depths of its own, most importantly - by people. And now we are always near, like a multi-colored carpet, which becomes more beautiful from the brightness of its palette, we complement each other. The Assembly is our self-expression, unity, and where unity, there is power."


Ian Lipiridi, the head of the ethno-cultural association of Greeks "Hellas" of the Aktobe region:

"As a member of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, by the way from the first session, for many years, I will say definitely: it is thanks to the efforts of the President that his wise and balanced policy in the sphere of international relations preserves peace and mutual understanding, there is no disagreement, and, I hope to God, that it was so on. Other countries are taking the example from us. We are happy people."


Tatiana Pyatkova, member of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Kokshetau:

"I believe that today's anniversary session is very significant and important. After all, 25 times representatives of ethno-cultural associations of our country gather. It is very significant that this meeting is held on the eve of one of the main holidays - the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. Like many families in Kazakhstan, my family is international. Great-grandfathers, Volga Germans were evicted to Kazakhstan and here they were received by the Kazakh family. And of course, on this day in our house there will be songs in different languages, we will cook traditional Kazakh besbarmak, Russian pancakes and German strudel. I want peace and harmony in our common house of the Republic of Kazakhstan to be constant. So that we cherish this fragile world, appreciate it."

In conclusion, the Head of State congratulated all Kazakhstanis on the upcoming holiday of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, wishing peace, good and prosperity.


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA
