If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Crossroads – meetings

Crossroads – meetings  - e-history.kz
In Almaty was presented the book “Crossroads” of Canadian writer O.Medvedeva-Natu, in which it is told about the return to the motherland of the Polish, deported to Kazakhstan

For the first time, the edition of the book in Russian in Kazakhstan became possible due to the Association of Jewish National organizations of Kazakhstan “Mitsva”. The presentation of the work of Olga Medvedeva-Natu from Canada took place in the State Youth library named after Zhambyl. “Crossroads” – the documentary about Gina Dimant, war and love, based on real events. Kazakhstan Russian-speaking edition is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of returning to the Motherland of Polish citizens, deported to Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The plot of the book grasps almost a hundred years since the middle of 20s of past century till nowadays. In the work it is said about the “crossroads” of time and space, various continents and countries, people and cultures.

But first of all, this book is about war, that defined the fate of its heroine – Gina Dimant. Landmarks of her life – the Second World war, deportation, repatriation, emigration, immigration. It is one of those who in the Jewish history is called “survived in the East”. The main character of the book – a Polish of Jewish origin, who ran in the first months of Hitler occupation to the USSR, then deported to the depth of the country, stayed safe in Kazakhstan. 

The crossroads – are meetings. The juncture of history and culture of various people, countries and entire continents, also big and small events. These are persons who glimpsed and were forgotten, and those who are left in the memory forever, crossing of sharp looks , striking the sparkle of love as the blade, passion and disfavor and even hatred.

These meetings are regular and accidental, defining life and fate of a person, its happy and tragic moments. Gina Dimant was awarded with the Officer Christ of the Order for the achievement before the Polish Republic for the consolidation of friendly relations between the Polish and Jews, also for years long active public activity. The presentation was conducted by a well-known Kazakhstan journalism and scriptwriter Evgeniy Golovinskaya.

She highly evaluated the work of the author called “Crossroads”, the artistic style, language, that is read and perceived easily not only by specialists-historians, but also by common reader, and called each from the present to have diary of memory of their parents, grandparents to keep the history.

 “Today it becomes more popular and demanded the memoiristics,- noted Golovinskaya. – It takes much work in our time to issue the book in an edition of 100 copies. And this memory will pass from generation to generation”. In the presentation were the governance and workers of the State Youth Library named after Zhambyl, head of the Administration of Scientific publication of documents of the Archive of the President RK Kairat Alimgazinov, Consule of Hungary in Almaty Ferents Blaumann, Chairman of the Union of the Polish of Kazakhstan, head of the Polish Center of Culture in Almaty Oleg Chervinsky, representatives of the Jewish community of Almaty, Jewish Community Center “Rimon” and Association “Mitsva”.

Ceremoniously guests cut the red ribbon, with which were tied the books. The Chairman of the Council of the Association “Mitsva”, member of the Council of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, Presidium of Eurasian European Congress Aleksandr Baron told about the work over the edition in Russian, which was complicated with the difference in time with the author, residing in Vancouver.

However, all the issues were solved – and the book was issued on time. Also, he noted that these sampled were donated to the library, also the exhibition of archive documents and collection of 13 books, issued by the Association “Mitsva” since 2002.

The tele-bridge between Vancouver and Almaty happened. The author herself Olga Medvedeva-Natu told about the book, idea of its creation, science and research work in the cooperation with Kazakhstan archives. Olga was in Kazakhstan at one of international historic conferences, which was carried out by the Association “Mitsva” and Central State Archive RK. “Main reader of this book lives in Kazakhstan, noted Medvedeva-Natu. – This country is devoted the significant part of the book. The fact is, certainly, not in the quantity of pages, but in the fact that on these pages is  imprinted Kazakhstan history and Kazakhstan life that was seen by the foreigner from far”.

Guests with great interest asled questions to the author. Olga Medvedeva-Natu lives and works in Canadian Vancouver, Doctor of Philological sciences, PhD, researcher, historian-publicist, popular writer in Canada, Europe and now in Kazakhstan.

As it was reported in the Press Service of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, in the organization of the presentation too part the workers of Almata Kheseda and Jewish Community Center “Rimon”.


Makhabbat BOLSHINA

Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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