If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Independence is destiny

Independence is destiny  - e-history.kz
On the eve of the celebration, which opens the new landmark in the development of Kazakhstan, 25th anniversary of Independence, in Kokshetau was held the presentation of anthology of young poets

In the days of the celebration of the Independence of Kazakhstan, Akmola residents became the eye-witnesses of the issue of the collection “Tauelsizdik – tagdyrym” where entered the poems of 25 young poets in Kokshetau.

Such unusual gift was presented by the City Kazakh model library and Akmola oblast museum of “Literature and arts”. Into the collection “Tauelsizdik – tagdyrym” entered the selected poems – the best ones from the collection of young akyns of Kokshetau land, peers of the Independence. These lines are not only about history and independence, they contain the themes of love, family and other values. Talented sons of the great steppe praised the grandeur of freedom, for which many deserved peopledevoted lives.

In the presentation participated the activists of culture, authors of poems. For fresh poets the issue of the collection with their poems is great pride and luck.

Zhainarbek Zandybaiuly is one of 25 lucky people. He hopes that his pathetic poems will touch the readers’ hearts. In the festive environment young poets with pride presented their offspring. With special inspiration the patriotic works were read. The preface to the anthology “Tauelsizdik – tagdyrym” was written by the Director of Pedagogic college named after Zh.Musin, Excellent worker in the sphere of Education RK, candidate of philological sciences Nurtas Akhat.

He expressed warm wishes to the young artists, gave a concise characteristics to each young talent. After having read the poems, participants of the presentation marked that thanks to the issue of the given collection readers will be able to see the realization of the cherished dream of our ancestors – Independent Kazakhstan.

According to the words of Zhanar Aitkuzhina, the Head of City Kazakh model library, initiator of the creation of the present anthology of poems, new edition was the fruit of deep thoughts of talented youth in Kokshetau city on the destiny of nation, their historic way, sources of optimism and resilience of Kazakhstani people, who gained after centuries sufferings freedom and independence, built the sovereign state.

“Each page, each line of that collection is penetrated with the feeling of hot love of great son on Kazakh land to their roots, to all that authors call the spirit of the nation, their     core, mighty tree, vivifying juice of which nourish Kazakhs for several millennia”, - shared Bekmurat Bakhytbek, senior research assistant of Akmolinsk oblast museum of the “Literature and arts”. It is worthy to mark that the collection “Tauelsizdik – tagdyrym”     the light   in about three hundred samples.


 Makhabbat BOLSHINA

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