If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Nazarbayev’s model

Nazarbayev’s model - e-history.kz
Again were analyzed the social-economic and political reforms, twenty-five-year-old “Kazakhstan way”, realized thanks to the constructive politics of the Head of state


Today in the Analytical center of the Library of the First President – Leader of Nation was conducted the presentation of the book “Nazarbayev’s model”. The authors of the edition dedicated to 25 years of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Makhmud Kasymbekov, Bakytzhan Temirbolat, Timur Shaimergenov. In the given book are widely discussed the achievements of the country for the years of independence and the role of the Leader of Nation in this matter. The personality of the Head of state, all the events of our sovereign history are reflected in this work. In the edition is presented the managerial analysis of the state building in Kazakhstan from the starting point of counting.

Resultative system of the management of the young state, since the first days of developing in the given domestic and foreign conditions, is defined by the authors of the edition such as “Nazarbayev’s model”, and presented in the context of more significant stages in the formation of the state, strategic reforms, key decisions and initiatives of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Baklytzhan Temirbolat, the author of the book, Deputy Head of the Office of the President RK,

“This book was written for purposes of the discussion of topical issues of formation and development of the state, contribution of the First President RK – Leader of Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev into the formation of the state, development of independent Kazakhstan, democratization of the society and fortification of economy in the country, processes of the unification of people, consolidation of world and accord, also designation of the strategy of foreign politics of the country. The new edition will be useful for the persons revealing the interest to the experience of radical changes and  reforms“.


New method. Explanation from the point of view of trustworthy data, analysis and risk an evaluation of strategic management.

New look. With the help of technologies of management of Kazakhstan on the model of Nazarbayev the history of the country known for many, presented in a new type.

New presentation. Today’s history of Kazakhstan is presented in the form of versatile information material, unique and specially developed infographics.

New model. For scientific and popular genre is previewed the suitable amount of non-traditional reading and design. One more valuable spiritual wealth, devoted to the independence, opened the way to readers.



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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