If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The issue of the book about famous Kazakh scientist

The issue of the book about famous Kazakh scientist  - e-history.kz
25 November 2016 at 11 am in the hall called “Constitution” at National Academic library RK was presented the book “Karim Mynbayev”

The Institute of history of the State since 2012 has been engaged with the publication of books about state and public activists in the series “Personalities of Great Steppe” prepared by research assistants of that institute Seitkali Duisenov and Zhabay Kaliyen is devoted to a talented Kazakh scientist, state and public activist Karim Mynbayev.

25 November 2016 at 11 am in the hall called “Constitution” at National Academic library RK (Astana, Esil district, Dostyk street, 11) will be held the presentation of the book “Karim Mynbayev”.

For the occasion were invited the deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, public and state activists, scientists of higher educational institutions of the country, teachers of the school, descendants of the scientist and representatives of media. Mynbayev was born 30 September 1906 in the village of Ivanovka, now Nurinsk district, Karaganda oblast.

In 1932 Karim Mynbayev graduated from Central Asian Irrigation Research Institute. In 1932-1933 years he worked as the Docent of Kazakh Agricultural Institute as the senior research assistant of Alma-Ata selection station. In 1944 he successfully defended the dissertation on the theme “Main ways of the improvement of kok-sagyz” for the academic degree of the Candidate of Agricultural Sciences under supervision of a well-known academic N.I.Vavilov.

Published works of K.Mynvayev gave him popularity and recognition in the community of scientists and specialists of agricultural production. He proved that grain crops including wheat can be grown not only on cultivated fields, but also on dry land of South and East Kazakhstan. Also, Mynbayev is the first scientist, who described biology-selection characteristics of sugar beet and hemp from the scientific point of view. He is the author of more than 200 scientific works. In 1948 Karim Mynbayev tragically died in plane crash.



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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