If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

A land rich in history

A land rich in history - e-history.kz
This year, along with 25 years of the Independence of the country the historical date is celebrated. It is 215th anniversary of the Bukeev Horde

It is no doubt that Bukey khan and his son Zhangir khan contributed to the development of the Kazakh statehood. 17 November 2016 in Western Kazakhstan state university named after M.Utemisov was conducted the round table “215 years since the day of foundation of the Bukeev Horde” dedicated to the jubilee of the Bukeev Horde. Similar conferences play an important role in the study of history. In the work of conference participated the director of the Historical and Ethnographic museum named after Zhangir khan at the West Kazakhstan Agricultural and Technical University named after Zhangir khan Nurzhan Tolepov, famous journalist, poet, chief editor of the journal “DANAkaz” Kazbek Kuttymyratauly, Master of History, local history expert Aibulat Kurumbayev, head of the Department of Management on Religion WKO, Candidate of Historical Sciences Sayalbek Gizzatov, also the teachers and students of the university.

The round table became the logical continuation of the cycle of jubilee events, one of which was the International scientific-practical conference “Shezhire tungan – kut meken” being carried out on 13-15 October 2016 in the Bukeev Horde.

Participants of the meeting tried to introduce students with the history of the location, attract to the study of the Bukeev Horde. During the conference the director of the museum of Zhangir khan Nurzhan Tolepov appealed to the refusal from the notion “bloodthirsty” of Zhangir khan, wicked adversary of Makhambet as he was presented in the Soviet historical science, and know him as a great historical personality, analyze his personality from different sides. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal “DANAkaz” Kazbek Kuttymuratuly told about the very first newspapers, published in the Bukeev Horde and touched the role of the journal “DANAkaz” in the introduction with the history of this region.

Master of History, local history expert Aibulat Kurumbayev told about the International scientific-practical conference “Shezhire tungan – kut meken” how it was conducted, what issues and problems were raised at the conference, in what scientific direction were the scientists. Also was introduced the  presentation of this trip.

The Candidate of Historical Sciences Sayalbek Makhambetuly told about his research on the Bukeev Horde, about scientific achievements and called out the students to do students activity on the Bukeev Horde.

The instructors of the Department A.S.Baibulsinova, Zh.A.Ismurzin, D.Tanzenov, summing up the history of the Bukeev Horde noted that alike conferences are extremely important and thanked for the organization of this event.

At the end of the conference participants, students of the Faculty of History also expressed gratitude and told that they got lots of information.



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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