If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

About what did Abylai Khan write to the Chinese emperor?

About what did Abylai Khan write to the Chinese emperor? - e-history.kz
The State archive of Astana city for the first time opened an exhibition of unique documents and photographs from the funds of the North Kazakhstan State Archive

The exposition is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence and the 80th anniversary of the North Kazakhstan oblast and is a part of the Days of the North-Kazakhstan region in Astana.

The exhibition consists of seven sections. They presented documents of the activity of Abylai khan materials of prerevolutionary Petropavlovsk, about the North Kazakhstan region formation, the region life in the Great Patriotic War and the virgin lands development.

A separate section is devoted to the development of the region in the years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The archive publications - collections of documents and materials, atlas, maps and autobiographical references are featured at the exhibition.

The exhibition "The Well of the North: the history in unique archival documents" lives up to its name. Here are rare materials that have great historical value. Among them - a letter of Abylai Khan to the Chinese emperor about sending him a gift horse and a small number of cattle for sale; Patent of the Empress Catherine II about the approval of Abylai Khan the Sultan of Middle Zhuz; higher certificate of the student of literary and art institute Magzhan Zhumabaev, portrait of M. Zhumabaev, Catherine II letter’s text to the sultans, foremen on May 24, 1778, written in Arabic script; report of the Deputy Chairman of the Akmola province extraordinary commission relief aid of M. Zhumabaev August 20, 1922, Petropavlovsk fortress plan.

No less interesting and other documents are a poem of Ukili Ybyray "Abylai White House", published in the newspaper "Bostandyk Tuy" back in 1926; Petropavlovsk fortress plan; personal files of Heroes of the Soviet Union Zhalel Kizatov and Sergey Gudenko; old types of Petropavlovsk in the 19th century; textbook of native studies of the West Siberian educational district schools, Akmola region, 1916.

Northern Kazakhstan is rightly called the north gate of the Republic. The region has a rich history, unique culture, traditions and customs.

Among the participants of the exhibition were representatives of the Ministry of culture and sports of the RK, Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of Astana city and the public of the capital.
