If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Enlightened ruler

Enlightened ruler - e-history.kz
On 14-15 October 2016 in West Kazakhstan oblast jubilee events dedicated to the 215th anniversary of Bukey orda and the 175th anniversary of the Zhangir Khan’s school took place

In celebration of the 215th anniversary of the Bukey orda’s foundation and 175th anniversary of the school named after Zhangir Khan on October 14-15, 2016 in the Khan Ordas (Bokey Orda region of West Kazakhstan oblast) the international scientific-practical conference "Bukey orda at the turn of the century..." was organized.


Scientists, experts, candidates for Doctor’s and Master’s degree from Astana, Uralsk, Aktobe and Atyrau actively participated in the conference. Colleagues from the Russian Federation (Kazan, Astrakhan) showed their interest to the topic. The ambassador of Kazakhstan in Mongolia addressed the participants of the conference with video greeting. The conference discussed issues about the role of spiritual values, historical heritage of in-between rivers during the existence of Bukey orda. Scientists considered spiritual and moral potential of ethnocultural traditions and intercultural dialogue.

In the year of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence it should be emphasized that the establishment of the independence allowed Kazakh scientists to uncover the blind spots of our history, to explore the unknown historical monuments, collect materials about historical events. A special place among them is the history of Bukey orda. In the Kazakh history Bukey orda is a phenomenon. There was demonstrated Kazakh wisdom and diplomacy, the government administration system was introduced, the first educational, financial, medical and other social objects were open.


The international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 215th anniversary of Bukey orda and the 175th anniversary of the opening of the first school in Kazakhstan, aimed at determining the place they occupy in the Kazakh history. Zhangir Khan’s personality in historical science was controversial interpretation. In Soviet historiography the theme of class antagonism was exploited for over 70 years and science put glorious son of the Kazakh people in some bloodthirsty exploiter and arrogant, smug with narrow outlook feudal. In fact, Zhangir Khan, whose main interest was science, and the meaning of life - enlightenment, was ahead of the Kazakh educators such as Shokan Valikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin and Abay for decades.

Zhangir (Djangir, Jahangir) Khan (1801-1845) - the last Khan of Bukey orda (1823-1845). He was a statesman, reformer and educator.

Zhangir had three wives: Kazima, Aisulu and Tatar Fatima. Photos of Fatima were not preserved, but her beauty could be seen in photos of her eldest daughter Zuleikha.

Beloved wife of Khan Zhangir Khansha Fatima was the daughter of the Orenburg mufti Muhamedjan Khusainov. M.Husainov in 1785 was Ahoon at the Orenburg Boundary Commission and in 1789 was appointed Mufti of the Decree of Catherine II. He made several visits to Small Juz, for the purpose of peaceful and friendly relations with the Russian Empire, thus, for a hard work he was encouraged by government awards. The "Register of things merciful welcomed in August and September 1801" there is a record that "Kyrgyz-Kaisak Middle Orda commanded in Cherkas branch by Khan's wife to khansha granted diamond earrings. Their price was 315 pounds, and to his daughter in marriage for the Mugamed Mufti of Orenburg – diamond earrings with price of 1,500pounds".

In youth Zhangir received his primary education at home by teacher Mullah, then by his father's insistence he was brought up in the family of Astrakhan governor, where he gained knowledge of the administrative methods of Khanate management. He had an excellent education: he knew Russian, Persian, Arabic and partly German. 

Zuleikha, Zhangir’s daughter, mother Gulsum. The Khlopushins family personal archive.

Being at the head of the Bukey Orda Khanate in 1832 he organized a trade fair, opened a medical office, pharmacy (1838), an archive, and created the Khanate map.

By the mid 30-ies of the XIX century Zhangir thought of the organization of central school in the Khan's rate. According to his plan, it was to prepare children for entry in the Russian special educational institutes. The first Kazakh secondary school with teaching of the Russian language was opened by Khan Zhangir in Bukey orda in 1841. The first teacher in the school was a veterinarian Constantine Oldekop. Three times a year Zhangir looked through the list of students with their marks, evaluated the success of each in the sciences. The first preacher and teacher of Oriental languages was Mullah Hakim Aminev. Oldekop wrote in his reports that the school had two classes: first class consisted of 13 students, the second of 12, only 25 students. 7 of them lived at the school, and 18 were "free comers". The oldest of the students was 22 years old and the youngest - 9 years. In March 1842 there were 30 students.

The people kept the memory of the Khan-reformer. White marble mausoleum towers at the Zhangir’s grave. Territory of Bukey orda is incorporated into the Ural oblast of Kazakhstan as the Urdinskiy region. West Kazakhstan Agro-Technical University in Uralsk is named after Zhangir.

On March 12, 2013, by mutual agreement of the presidents of Kazakhstan Nazarbaev and Tatarstan Minnikhanov, merits of Khan Zhangir - educator and reformer of the XIX century were immortalized in the establishment of a memorial plaque on the building of the Scientific Library of Kazan Federal University. Zhangir Khan. The Khlopushins family personal archive.

Thanks to the director of the Museum "History of computing technics" M.Sh. Badrutdinova, new photos of Zuleikha and Khan Zhangir were introduced into scientific circulation. According to the conference results, Resolution of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Shezhіre tungan kut Meken" was adopted. In this meeting sounded proposals for the regular holding of the International scientific-practical conference in Khan Orda, opening a special department in the Bukey orda historical museum for the study of ancient history, publishing "Encyclopedia of Bukey orda", opening of a research center for the study of historical, cultural and natural heritage of Bukey orda. Special thanks for organizing and holding the conference should express to organizer Aibulat Kurumbaev.


Materials used"Shezhіre tungan kut Meken" / Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 215th anniversary of the Bukeyev orda, and the 175th anniversary of the opening of the Zhangir Khan School. - Khan Ordasy, 2016.

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