If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The great museum of Aktyubinsk

The great museum of Aktyubinsk - e-history.kz
Archival materials and valuable antiquities that belonged to the great historical figures who lived in this area were presented at the exhibition under the auspices of Aktyubinsk regional historical m

Museum is history, museum is chronicle. The opening ceremony of exhibition ‘Aktobe zheri – kakharmandyk dastany’ of Aktyubinsk regional historical museum in honor of celebration of 25th anniversary of country’s independence and in the framework of days of Aktyubinsk region in Astana named ‘Powerful regions – Powerful Kazakhstan’ was held at Military History Museum of National Military-Patriotic Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 


 The exhibition organized by Aktyubinsk Regional Historical Museum funds presented a model of the mausoleum specially built for the son of the great thinker of XIV-XV century Asan Kaigy – Abat batyr, restored anthropological images of epos hero Koblandy batyr and biy of Junior zhus Aiteke bi, great commander Abulkhair khan, who united three zhuzes in the period of Dzungars’ invasion, Aryngazy khan and brave Yesset batyr’s chainmail, data about the Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova, personal belongings of the national poet Nurpeis Baiganin, military form of the first Kazakh Lieutenant-General Zhansen Kereyev, cosmonaut Viktor Patsayev’s training suit and many other archival materials and valuable antiquities. 


 Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Academic and Ideological work of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Mukhamedzhan Kadyrzhanuly, Head of the National Military-Patriotic Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aidos Seitkaliuly, Director of the Military Historical Museum of the National Military-Patriotic Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Perizat Akseleuovna, Director of Aktyubinsk Regional Historical Museum, Dyusengali Meiram Nurlanovich, as well as residents and guests of the city attended the solemn opening of the exhibition. 


Love to the Motherland is respect for the great heritage of our ancestors, preservation of this heritage, contribution, development and transfer to the next generation. Love to the Motherland is perception of history.
