If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Veteran of Alash – Koshke Kemengeruly

Veteran of Alash – Koshke Kemengeruly  - e-history.kz
30 September 2016, the National Museum hosted a round table ‘Amanatka adaldyk’, timed to the 120th anniversary of Alash-Orda’s prominent figure, scholar, educator, writer Koshke Kemengeruly.

Representatives of the Astana clerisy, Alash studies scholars and scholars-linguists were invited to the event dedicated to the celebration of Koshe Kemengeruly’s anniversary. There were the rector of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, professor Dikhan Kamzabekuly, historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences Zhambyl Artykbaev, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Sagymbay Zhumagulov, as well as the descendants of the writer: Rizabek Kemengerov, Nuraniya Shamshualiyeva, poet, Candidate of Sciences Kaiyrbek Kemenger and others were among the guests. 


 Alash studies are the field of science, which is thoroughly studied both by Kazakh literature and history. Since gaining independence in 1991, a lot of discoveries were made in this field, the names of famous personalities that became a thing of the past were revealed again, the works that made invaluable contribution to the science were republished. Alash studies scholar Dikhan Kamzabekuly began his welcome speech with introduction of the meeting participants to Koshke ata’s descendants. His works, regarding to the nation, fate and history of the people can be considered in the context of the present days. Koshe made a great contribution to the study of unknown events of the Kazakh history. He vividly revealed the picture of people’s uprising headed by Kenesary batyr, hardship, suffered by Kazakh people from colonization by the Russian empire. Koshke ata did not forget to write about his contemporaries, gave assessment to historical writings and political activity of his comrades-in-arms. The assessment given to the great reformer Alikhan Bukeikhanov, whose 150th anniversary is celebrated, did not lose its value. In this regard, we know him as one of the main Alash studies scholar’,- D.Kamzabekovich said. 


 Historian Zhambyl Omarovich told about Koshke Kemengeruly’s works in the field of theatre. ‘In the early years, opening of the national theatre was an example of innovation of Kazakh clerisy in this field. Opening of the first Kazakh theatre with the play ‘Altyn sakina’ was the historical event in 1926. Despite the fact, that the theme of the first drama of the national theatre regarded ordinary life, it was the loud historical event by the standards’. 


 Professor Sagymbay Zhumagulov mentioned historicity in Koshke’s works, about the importance of writer’s historical works. ‘Koshke was the voice of own period, who had thoughtful pen. He did not pass through the issues of children’s education, school, problems with books and important issues in enlightenment. His article ‘What language should school teach?’ has not lost its relevance. Koshke Kemengeruly, as an outstanding representative of reformation is in one row with Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov, Smagul Sadvokassov, Idris Mustanbauly. They dreamed their people, children, descendants to get better education, and the country to become leading like other countries", – S. Zhumagulov said.


 Video about the life and activity of Koshke and his family was shown during the event. Students of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University and students of No.49 school, located on the street Koshke Kemengeruly in Astana asked questions. Teachers of the school expressed the gratitude to the professors for the valuable information from Koshke Kemengeruly’s life. 

