If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

‘Atamura urpakka miras’ conference

 ‘Atamura urpakka miras’ conference - e-history.kz
The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted scientific-practical conference devoted to the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and EXPO-2017 International exhibition.

The event was organized by the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with Akmola regional branch of the World Kazakh Community. 

 Director of the National Museum Darkhan Mynbay noted the important role of the conference organized on the eve of 25th anniversary of Independence and exhibition of handicraft made by Kazakh craftsmen from China. 

 ‘This year we celebrate 25th anniversary of our Independence. We have achieved great results for a quarter of century, implemented a set of measures to study the history and culture of the country. One of the main achievements of Independence is that the contact with millions of Kazakhs, who live abroad by the will of fate and different reasons, was made. There is an opportunity to return them home. It is a priceless gift of Independence to us’,- D.Mynbay said. 

 PhD, professor Serik Negimov spoke about close relation between pubic speaking and art crafts. ‘5 conditions are necessary for building own statehood: own territory, defensive capacity, original national crafts, traditions and great persons. Since ancient times, our people placed emphasis on crafts and constantly developed and improved them. Let the number of such great people to grow, who pass over priceless relics of their families , willing to continue craftsmen’s work and teach this ancient art in honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence’,-S.Negimov said. 

 At the end of the event, guests enjoyed aitys of famous akyn Syrym Auyeskhan.
