If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Aktyubinsk youth showed the highest level of patriotism in Kazakhstan

Aktyubinsk youth showed the highest level of patriotism in Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
International scientific-practical conference on topical issues of the youth was held in the framework of XIII Cross-border Inter-regional Cooperation Forum of Kazakhstan and Russia in Astana.

Unfortunately, the young people of modern society are in ‘danger area’. The problems of drug-addiction, crime, unemployment and suicide primarily relate to the youth. These issues are relevant to all states, including Kazakhstan and Russia. Important issues like how to organize young people, distract them from negative social processes and attract to activity were discussed at the conference. 


 On 3-4 October 2016, Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the National N.A.Nazarbayev hosted international scientific-practical conference on urgent issues of youth ‘Peculiarities of formation and implementation of youth policy’. Organizers of the conference – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, ‘Molodezh’’ research center attracted guests from Russia – Deputy Head S.V.Chuyev Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation, professor of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Chairman of ‘National Youth Council Russia’ public association and others attracted to the work of the conference. The platform for experience exchange was Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the Nation N.A.Nazarbayev, which acted as co-organizer of the conference. 


Director of Department of Youth Policy of MES RK Ospankulov G.A. noted that more than 150 people attended the conference. International scientific-practical conference on urgent issues of young people united domestic and foreign scholars, representatives of government agencies, research organizations, educational institutions, public organizations and leaders of youth associations. The aim of the event was analysis of the problems and achievements in the youth field, updating of priorities for further development of youth policy, activation of interaction between scholars and experts in the field. 


 Vice-Minister of Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.A.Azilkhanov delivered a welcoming speech. He noted that the second stage of the Youth Policy Concept was implementing in Kazakhstan. Support for young people is the main task of the modern society. 

 The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On state youth policy’ was adopted in February 2015, it is directed on the development of Kazakhstan youth. Future of Kazakhstan is associated with integration of youth in society, foundations of this process are laid in the present. M.Azilhanov noted the importance of strategic partnership of Kazakhstan and Russia as well. It will be remarkable, if state authorities show the effectiveness in this area. 


 Many interesting things happened in the field of youth policy in a neighboring state. Deputy Head of Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V.Chuyev noted the active work of the state bodies of the Russian Federation on realization of state youth policy. Now, a large-scale program ‘Molodezh’ Rossii’ is implemented. Its peculiarity lies in federative nature of program, each individual of the Russian Federation has its own law on youth policy. 

 S.Chuyev mentioned that friends from Kazakhstan took active part in all major youth events in Russia. The Russian guest took advantage of the situation and invited young people from Kazakhstan to take part in the new events, these are ‘Russian movement of students’ and XIX World Youth and Student Festival 2017. Which will be held in October 2017 in Sochi. These initiatives would be interesting for Kazakhstan. Dikhan Kamzabekuly, Vice-rector for Social-Cultural Development of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University told about the activity of the University on implementation of youth policy and reminded the participants of the conference, that the first youth leader of Kazakhstan, who headed the Komsomol organization of KazASSR was Gani Muratbayev. 

Director of Political management of ‘Nur Otan’ party Zh.K.Bulanova’s report ‘Political socialization of Kazakhstan youth’ made a strong impression on participants of the conference. Starting with interpreting term ‘political socialization’, she proceeded to the issue of patriotism among the Kazakhstan youth. As a result of survey conducted in various areas of the republic, young people of Aktyubinsk region replied YES -100% the question ‘Do you consider yourself a patriot’! There is the data of other regions: for instance, youth of Mangistau region 87%, Astana – 45,9%, Almaty – 23,7. In average, the average data in republic is 58,2% (according to sociological research ‘Study of socio-political situation in youth environment’ provided by ‘Molodezh’ research center, IV quarter 2015). 

 Published data gives food for thought, the issues of patriotic education requires more attention. The value of any conference is that it allows finding new answers for questions and problems that seemed to be settled. 

