If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Constitutional amendments – a bright example of country’s development

Constitutional amendments – a bright example of country’s development  - e-history.kz
A round table ‘Aibyny askak Ata Zan’ was held at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of Constitution day.

Senior researcher of the Institute of Legislation of Kazakhstan Zhamaladdin Ibragimov in his speech: 

«Looking back at historical past, we can safely say that in 1995, the country had made significant achievements. August 30, 1995 the day of adopting Constitution of the country should be highly emphasized among them. At the initiative of President N.A.Nazarbayev, a group of experts was formed due to political changes in the country that year. They had thoroughly studied Constitutions of many countries, particularly the Major Documents adopted during the second half of XX century. Scholars and policy expert group, and the Head of the state as well, had been closely involved in the development of that important case. All the work was led by the President of the country. Every citizen must respect the main document of the country’s development, our prosperity — the Constitution of the country.» 


 There were many weak points in the original Constitution. It could not meet requirements of people’s request on privatization. In 1995, the Constitution was adopted for the second time due to people’s petition. They received over 3000 proposals and 1500 of them were considered. Participants of the round table discussed how the data was collected at that time without information technologies. 


 ‘For instance, 2 point of 6 article of the Constitution was adopted due to people’s request. It is related on the issue that natural resources and animals must be under government’s control. They made an offer to prohibit privatization’, - Zhamaladdin Ibragimov said. 


 Also, staff of Academy of Public Administration, Institute of Legislation of Kazakhstan, historians, linguists and teachers of several schools of the city took participation and expressed their opinions in the work of the round table.
