If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

"Neonomad" from art group of young artists

"Neonomad" from art group of young artists - e-history.kz
The National Museum of Kazakhstan opened Neonomad exhibition of Astana’s KADMIIQYZYL art group of young artists.

At the opening ceremony the Director of the National Museum praised the work of young artists and wished them success.


 -All these works reveal the inner world of young talent. We should always support such initiatives. Because art has a special place in my life. We want to see  the authors of such ideas in future within the walls of the National Museum. We wish success to all 7 talanted artists, D.Mynbay said. 

 KADMIIQYZYL art group was founded in 2010 and includes 7 talented artists: Asemkul Beybіt, Dzhumagalieva Aigerim, Kanibekova Alia, Ligai Natalia, Moldabekov Zhenis, Orakbay Almas and Tatibaeva Gulmaral. In total, Neonamad exhibition presents about 30 works, among them are installations, photoworks, video art and performance. 


Nest installation marks the exhibition’s concept, symbolizing home, hearth, which can be abandoned for various reasons. In today’s world in search of a happy life, people like the birds leave their ‘settled’ places. The world is in constant motion, people wander from town to town, from one country to another, from one continent to another. Modern nomadism is typical for all the global world, where modern nomads — neonomads — move in search of themselves and their happiness. But at the same time, breaking away from the roots, it is very important not to forget: who you are and where you are from. 


 The exhibition presents a series of Natalia Ligai’sphotographs ‘Illusion of Life’, Alia Kanibekova’s ‘Tugan Zerіm Tugyrym’, Gulmaral Tatibaeva’s‘Modern Nomad’ and Almas Orakbay’s‘Zhurt’. In these works the artists try to express their opinion and their attitude to the social and cultural processes of migration. 


Cities are growing rapidly, absorbing the surrounding villages and their inhabitants. People in metropolitan areas dissolve like grains of sand. But each person is unique and talented. This series of Aigerim Dzhumagalieva’s photographs ‘CityTitans’ tells about that. The artist glorifies not architectural ensembles, not sculptures, but the people who create and form the soul of a city. 

Zhenis Moldabekov’s series of photographs ‘From Time Immemorial to Brighter Future’ conveys special meaning to the steppes of Kazakhstan, where modern railways may pass through the ancient nomadic ways of our ancestors. The artist in her stories intertwines past and present.

 Beibut Asemkul’s series of photographs ‘Infinity’ devotes to a woman. Woman in the Kazakh culture is the keeper of the family hearth and traditions. Artist philosophizes about the changes of the classic image of women in the modern world.
