If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The evening of memory “Alash murasynyn kozi”

The evening of memory “Alash murasynyn kozi”   - e-history.kz
On April 20, the evening of memory “Alash murasynyn kozi” devoted to the 100th anniversary of Abai and Shakarim’s researcher, poet, writer, playwright Kayum Mukhamedkhanov will be held.

Kayum Mukhamedkhanov (1916-2004) was an outstanding scholar, founder of the First Museum of Abai in Semipalatinsk, founder of Abai and Shakarim study, textual critic of Abai, Shakarim, Bukhar-zhyrau, Kabanbay Batyr, Bogenbay Batyr, Makhambet, a disciple and follower of Mukhtar Auezov, author of the Anthem of Kazakh SSR, writer and playwright, poet and translator, teacher and public figure. The aim of the event is to show the invaluable contribution to culture and science of Kazakhstan of outstanding scholar Kayum Mukhamedkhanov, to introduce his rich heritage, to show the relevance of scholar’s research nowadays, to promote moral and patriotic education of youth on the example of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov’s life. 

 At the event, Dina Mukhamedkhanov, Director of Public Fund «Kayum Mukhamedkhanov Education and Culture Center» will give a book «Kayum Mukhamedkhanov: Letters speak» to the library fund, published to the 100th anniversary since the birth of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov. The author of the book is public organization «Kayum Mukhamedkhanov Education and Culture Center». The book includes only a part of the unique letter writing of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov with figures of science, culture of different countries, with whom the scholar communicated closely and worked. Those are Zh.Sain, K,Satpayev, A.Margulan, S.Markov, I.Omarov, M.Khakimzhanova, A.Tazhibayev, M.Auezov, T.Ivanova, D.F.Snegin, S.Mukanov, T.Zharokov, S.Mashakov, Sh.Murtazayev, A.Nurshaikhov, M.Toleuov, N.Anov, A.Seidimbekov, V.Korotich, Kh,Ergaliyev, E.Zhakupov, A.Tokpanov, Zh.Bekturov, V.Karpov, U.Subkhanberdina and others. The book expands cultural environment of people: it educates on the example of spiritual-cultural and moral values, which scholar Kayum Mukhamedkhanov and his father Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov left us as heritage. Also documentary novel «The man-legend», written by a literary critic A.Belyakina in 2005 and translated in Kazakh language by a writer G.Kabyshuly is published in the book. The book contains many historical photographs of people, who entered the history with golden pages. 


The poems devoted to the scientific heritage of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov will be read by pupils of Alkey Margulan № 40 school, the poems by Abai will be performed by opera singer, honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kenzhegali Myrzhykbay and singer of traditional Kazakh folk music Erlan Ryskali on the evening-memory and a documentary film about Kayum Mukhamedkhanov will be shown. 

 The rich heritage of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov will be presented at the book exhibition «Kayum Mukhamedkhanov — a great person and scholar».
