If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

“Mangilik El – Muratym”: history and modernity

“Mangilik El – Muratym”: history and modernity - e-history.kz
Historical exposition “Mangilik El – Muratym” in Taraz reflected the view of modern Taraz artists on the history of the Kazakh khanate.

Located in Zhambyl regional exhibition hall historical exposition “Mangilik El — Muratym” made an unforgettable impression on Taraz evaluators of art dedicated to the jubilee of the Kazakh khanate. 


To remind, the sum for over 22, 79 mlrd tenge was planned to spend on events due to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate. It was reported in the plan of events and conduct in 2015 of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate published in “Adilet” system. And the majority of expenses was planned for the conduct of cultural-sports and mass events in Taraz. For this nearly half of a budget was delivered. At the second place were the expenses for the project “Kone Taraz” or “Ancient Taraz” (about 6 mlrd tenge). The money would be spent on archeological research, restoration of monuments, withdrawal of lands, construction and infrastructure. 

 “We have not had such a great and representative art exhibition where it was possible to see so many dominant names, so many magnificent canvases — the resident of Taraz, Veteran of Labour Kymbat Tleubayeva shared with her impressions.


 — Owing to the fantasy of artists we could see the wonderful Kazakh biys, batyrs eye to eye. Certainly, the pictures of their original images were not kept, and each artists had their own perception, imagination. And the exhibition is interesting because it is possible to see a various approach to the same realia”. 


Among famous Zhambyl artists in the exposition are presented the works of Gulnara Kaspakova, Muratzhan Rakhimzhanov, Rakhat Saparaliyeva, Konstantin Provotorov, Galina Shumilina, Kanat Muratayev, Kayrat Gumarov.


History and modernity of Kazakhstan were embodied in the canvases of Bolat Khusainov, Seydrakhman Azizov, Nurlan Raimov, Nikolay Denisov, and Baymakhan Sherimov. The beauty of native nature found their reflection in the works of Gennadiy Tyan and Yelena Panina. 


Besides the picturesque works, at the exhibition were exposed the items of national art. Zhanat Kerimbayev, Yesen Yesetov, Almakul Sapakova, Kyrgyzbay Kantarbayev, Akerke Kosambetova demonstrated the mastery of techniques of work bone, stone, use of silver, incrustation, beads, leather and felt. 


According to the words of the head of regional administration of culture, archives and documentation of Duisenaly Bykybayev, the foremost task of this exposition is the educational, patriotic component. “It is important to know the history of our people, our state for all of us, especially for the young people. Who does not know the past, does not have the future”.


The organizers of historical exposition “Mangilik El — Muratym” became the regional administration of culture and regional exhibition hall. 

 Taraz city, Galina Skripnik, http://inform. kz/

 http://tengrinews. kz/
