If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The space industry of Kazakhstan will continue the development

The space industry of Kazakhstan will continue the development - e-history.kz
On 29th October, 2015 Deputies of the Mazhilis held a meeting at national Space Center in Astana

Deputies of the Mazhilis held a meeting at the National Space Center in Astana. A group of deputies representing the Committee on Ecology and Nature management of the Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a working group on the draft law on outer space visited the National Space Center (NSC) in Astana. 

 Parliamentarians got acquainted with the functioning of the National Space Center, which includes the ground infrastructure of space systems of the Earth Remote Sensing (SS ERS), high-precision satellite navigation systems (HPSN).

 They saw the progress of construction of assembling —test agency of space vehicles (ATA SV), visited the working places of specialists of «NC «Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary» JCS in control centers of space vehicles of Earth Remote Sensing and space images processing. During the event, Deputy Chairman of Aerospace Committee of Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Meirbek Moldabekov told the representatives of deputy corps at what stage is the development of space industry in the republic. «A serious space infrastructure of the country is created, the exploitation and effective use of which requires legal and legislative actions»-M.Moldabekov noted. 

 Members of the working group on making amendments and supplements to the law on the outer space activity listened to the report of the Acting President of «NC «Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary» JCS Marat Nurguzhin with a great interest on the application of space technologies in the interests of Kazakhstan. In particular, there was a talk about practical application of products and services of Kazakhstan satellites of the Earth Remote Sensing for the country’s economy.

 As it was noted by the Vice-Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MID RK) Albert Rau, who took participation in the visiting session of mazhilismen, the Law «On space activity» requires major changes and amendments. 

 The Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazkahstan Alexander Milyutin as a result of the visit of national Space Center noted that Kazakhstan possesses a modern space infrastructure, which entitles our country to be among the space powers of the world. The Head of the National company «Kazcosmos» Talgat Mussabayev thanked the legislators of the country for paying close attention to the space activities and support of the work done by NC «Kazcosmos» on the way of creating space industry of Kazakhstan in the end of the meeting with deputies.
