If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

“Steppe legends” revived in the Museum of Arts

“Steppe legends” revived in the Museum of Arts - e-history.kz
30 October in 2015 in the State Museum of Arts RK named after A. Kasteev the personal exhibition of Amangeldy Mukazhanov “Steppe legend” opened.
In the exposition the jewelry items and decoratory installation were presented. They were performed in various techniques, also the painting, graphics and watercolor of the artist. 

 Aman Mukazhanov was born in 1953 in Semipalatinsk. In 1987 he graduated from Alma-Ata State Theatre-Art institute, Faculty of Applied Arts, Department of Art Metal. In 1988 he participated in the organization of applied arts cooperative “Miras” along with the ethnographer Uzbekali Zhanibekov, master-application engineer Darkembay Shokparuly. A member of the Union of artists and Union of designers RK, a participant of multiple republican and international exhibition projects.


1992 y. — a participant of international contemporary art-handicraft exhibition “Senim” in the USA, international exhibitions in Magdeburg (Germany), Milan (Italy). Diploma winner of VIII international competition of the jewelry art “Jewelry Olympus” in St. Petersburg (Russia). 

2005, 2006, 2008, 2010 yy. — a recurrent winner of the competition “Sign of quality” UNESCO. The participation in the exhibition of author works within the framework of Mineral Show (Tuson, USA). 

2010, 2011, 2014 yy. — a winner of Kazakhstan competition of artisans “Sheber” organized with the support of the “Shevron” company. Was awarded with the “Honorary Certificate” of the Ministry of Culture RK for the years-long fruitful work on the development of the handicraft art of Kazakh people and in connection with the 20-year-old jubilee of the unification of “Sheberler auyly”. 

Based on the traditions of the Kazakh art, Aman successfully worked on the creation of new plastic forms, his works have highly expressive author hand. For his adornments the massiveness, thorough working out of the details are peculiar. In shape-generating principles the author appeals to such architypes as the circle, spiral, rectangle, zigzag, not willingly referring the spectators to the archaic past with his faith in the power of charms, their guard-benevolent features. Great attention Mukazhanov pays to the figure, skillfully combining the extensional forms with the plane decision. 

Combining various materials, Aman is achieving harmonious junction of all the details of his work. Not the last place in his works plays colour. For the realization of his ideas he uses the colourful enamel, gilding, wood, bone, stones, achieving the bright figurality and integrity of his works. 

His works — not only ornamental and abstract interpretations, majority of works have on their basis narrative compositions, embodying totem signs of animals and birds. Not seldom the hero of miniature world becomes the human himself, but not as the main hero, but as part of the whole. Somewhere the connection with the motives of petroglyphic engraving, and simplicity of lines in the impenetrable plots adds the significance, factor of merit and high quality. In Aman’s collection there are many skillfully made womanish adornments. 

He incrusts them with precious stones, using in the décor the bone with delicate carving, colourful enamels. In addition, he skillfully uses such ancient techniques as granulation, filigrane and other famous to Kazakh zergers of techniques. Mukazhanov’s works are contemporary, but along with that they are the combination of archaic images, having in their basis deep worldview components. 

The author is able to combine the complexity of constructive forms with the multifacetedness of symbols and signs, giving the possibility to the spectator to decode the hidden meaning in one’s own way. The artist’s art — synthesis of the jewelry art, sculptors and applied art. Each Mukazhanov’s work strives to bring to perfection and emphasize the beauty of the noble metal — silver — symbol of purity and bright life.
