If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Results of the Republican historic and cultural expedition “Uly Dala Eli” APK

Results of the Republican historic and cultural expedition “Uly Dala Eli” APK - e-history.kz
An international scientific-practical conference on results of the national historic and cultural expedition “Uly Dala Eli” APK

Today, on October 7, 2015 within the framework of the Republican events devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate in Taraz in the building of M.Kh.Dulati Taraz State University was held the International scientific-practical conference on results of the Republican historic and cultural expedition «Uly Dala Eli» APK. 


The event was attended by the Deputy Chairman — head of the Secretariat of APK of the President’s Administration of RK, Doctor of Political Sciences — Eraly Tugzhanov, Director of Research center for study of Korkyt ata’s heritage of Kazakh National University of Arts, a member of the Board of APK, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor — Myrzatay Zholdasbekov, members of APK, members of SAB APK, prominent historians from Kazakhstan and CIS, public figures , representatives of ethnic and cultural associations, members of APK expedition and young people. 


A solemn ceremony of delivering Diaries «The notes of expedition’s participants» and unique archive documents to the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and also a presentation of research of «Uly Dala tarikhy» PK, which was held by the member of SAB APK, Doctor of Historical sciences, professor Georgy Kan and Head of Department «History of Kazakhstan» of Al-Pharabi KazNU, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor — Talas Omarbekov within the framework of the Forum. 


The outcome of the Forum was the adoption of the Treatment to the Head of the State N.A.Nazarbayev from the participants of the International Forum. 

The exhibition «Kazakh Eli tarikhy» devoted to the results of the Republican expedition APK is presented for all participants in the hall of M.Kh.Dulati Taraz State University.


 -I assign a high priority to the completion of this expedition; moreover, it is significant that it ends here. We summarize the results today and tomorrow and the book «Uly Dala Eli» is published as the most important result of this expedition. It is worth noting that all members of the assembly regardless of city, regardless of national origin and people who are not indifferent to the country where they live, participated in this expedition — said honorary worker of Kazakhstan Lyubov Avgustovna. 


-History of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate is studied to the full extent both by local and foreign historians. The formation of the Kazakh Khanate is a stage, which formed Kazakh nation and Kazakh state in own development. 2 expeditions were organized on the initiative of a rector of M.Kh.Dulati Taraz State University — Sarybekov Makhmetgali Nurgaliyevich before the preparation to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. One of them is a historical and ethnographic expedition, participants of it followed by the route of Kazakh people’s migration led by Kerey and Zhanibek. It is historically proved that the migration began from the lower reaches of the Syrdarya to Kozybasy. It was interesting for us as historians to go on this route, during which we studied all areas that are relevant to this migration and a map of migration was created. It is a very big work — said the first Vice-rector of M.Kh.Dulati Taraz State University-Abdualy Askar Begadilovich. 

