If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly


The first Sunday in April, Kazakhstan geologists celebrate their professional holiday. What do we know about this?

The development of geology and subsoil use is one of the most important priorities for the development of our state, since it largely provides Kazakhstan with economic growth. Today, more than 14,000 people work in the geological sector. Over the past few years the sphere of geology and subsoil use has undergone significant changes. The reforms have begun to transform the management system of the mineral and raw materials complex, create conditions for improving the investment climate in the industry, transfer of advanced technologies, infrastructure development and professional development of the industry.

In 2016, the official celebration of the geologists' day turned 50 years old. We recall that as of March 31, 1966, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the day of the geologist - the first Sunday in April.

October 20, 2011 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, this day was established as a professional holiday of geologists of sovereign Kazakhstan.

The history of geological science of Kazakhstan is connected with the opening of the first geological institute in the republic and with the name of its first director K.I. Satpayev. As of August 31, 1940 the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences reorganizes the geological sector into an independent scientific research institute of geology at the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In July 1941, on the basis of the resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan as of September 7, 1940 and the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as of March 11, 1941, K.I. Satpayev was appointed director of the Geological Institute of KazFAN. He headed the Institute until the end of his days, and as of March 21, 1964, after his death, the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR is named after him by the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of KazSSR. Thanks to K.I. Satpayev the Institute became the center of scientific geological thought in Kazakhstan.

In April 2015, the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a presentation of the documentary exhibition "Geology of Kazakhstan: from the First Expeditions to Large-Scale Surveys", timed to the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev. At the exhibition the historical and documentary chronicle of the geological branch of Kazakhstan was presented for the first time according to the documents of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, there were unique exhibits and samples of minerals, non-ferrous and rare metals from the Museum of the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the transformation of the USSR Ministry of Geology and Conservation into the Union Republican Ministry of Geology and Conservation of the USSR and the formation of the Union Republican Ministry of Geology and Subsoil Protection of the Kazakh SSR"

In 1956, in order to create a unique mineral resource base, capable of not only ensuring Kazakhstan's domestic needs in various types of fossil, but also bringing it to the forefront in the world, both in reserves of explored natural resources and in their reserves, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the KazSSR, the Ministry of Geology and Subsoil Protection of the KazSSR was established. By resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan as of March 6, 1956, A.S. Bogatyrev is approved the first minister and chairman of the collegium of the Ministry.

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan as of March 6, 1956 on the approval of A.S. Bogatyrev Minister of Geology and Subsoil Protection of the Kazakh SSR and chairman of the collegium of the Ministry

In October 1960, a letter was sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR signed by the Minister of Geology and Conservation of the Kazakh SSR, A.S. Bogatyrev, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, K.I. Satpayev and Chairman of the Presidium of the Kazakh territorial committee of the Exploration Workers' Union A. Gavrilenko, in which they, in order to encourage the work of exploration geologists of Kazakhstan, ask to establish the honorary title "Honored Exploration Geologist of the Kazakh SSR". As of November 10, 1960, by decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan signed by D. Kunaev, it was decided to elaborate the Regulations on Title, in December a draft Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR on establishing the honorary title "Honored Exploration Geologist of the Kazakh SSR" was prepared and was soon approved.

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan "On the establishment of an honorary title "Honored Exploration Geologist of the Kazakh SSR"

Today Kazakhstan geologists have a lot to be proud of. For the years of independence they made a huge contribution to the development of the economy of the republic. For the first time, reserves for 123 deposits of minerals were explored and put on the state's balance sheet. Including more than 50 complex facilities, over 40 gold ore, 30 iron-manganese deposits, one - uranium and chrome ore, as well as 103 deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials. To date, our republic is among the first ten countries in the world in terms of the number of world mineral-raw materials complexes and in reserves of basic minerals. Kazakhstan's mineral reserves are involved in the formation of 70 percent of the country's GDP.

Participants of the Round Table, timed to the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev. April 14, 2015

Such welfare, of course, is the basis for Kazakhstan's entry into the list of 50 competitive countries in the world. As the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev: "Today we are confidently pursuing our ambition of becoming one of the 50 most competitive countries in the world. On a number of indicators, we have already entered the first half of the world's countries, for example, in terms of international reserves".



Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA

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