If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

10 facts about Ilyas Yesenberlin

10 facts about Ilyas Yesenberlin - e-history.kz
Today is the birthday of Ilyas Yesenberlin. The fact that he bravely touched the historic themes and left behind 17 novels proves his humanity, love for the Motherland

Ilyas Yesenberlin is one of those who came across the consequences of the harsh Soviet policy, which helped the wretched and ragged with hunger compatriots. Notwithstanding the artificial barrier of the Soviet censorship he was able to deepen into the history of Kazakhs, using the intonation way concerning the future and past.

Kazakh poets-writers, in 2nd line, from left to right: Ilyas Yesenberlin, Sherkhan Murtaza, Oralkhan Bokei, Kadyr Myrzaliyev

We present 10 facts from the life of Ilyas Yesenberlin:

1. Current Kazakh society  glorifies the notion of independent national statehood on the basis of the idea “Mangilik El”, offered by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. Certain points in this issue found their reflection in the works of Ilyas Yesenberlin written in the hardest times of past century.

2. Trilogy “Nomads” by I.Yesenberlin for 30 years was issued 50 times with the general circulation of 3 mln and translated into 30 languages.

3. Ilyas Yesenberlin in 1937 participated as the delegate in X meeting of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan on behalf of students and was the eyewitness of the adoption of the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR.

4. Ilyas Yesenberlin took part in the Great Patriotic war and executed the obligations of the political head of the 84th motor-rifle division 46th tank regiment. For bravery shown at war he was awarded with the Order of the Red star.

5. Ilyas Yesenberlin’s spouse Dilyara Zhusipbekova is the daughter of a famous Soviet party activist, colleagues of Saken Seifullin, Peoples’ Committee of Justice of Kazakhstan, first translated into Kazakh novel of Nikolai Ostrovsky “How the steel was tempered” by Khamza Zhusipbekov.

6. Return of the Golden Horde to Kazakhs. Notwithstanding the fact that the Golden Horde appeared at the Kazakh land, and this land turned into the Motherland, is was not recognized. Ilyas Yesenberlin managed to prove that Kazakhs are direct heirs of the Golden Horde on geographic, ethnic qualities.

7. Kabdesh Zhumadilov was in close touch with Ilyas Yesenberlin and said “I was initially interested by not Ilyas Yesenberlin himself, and his unrepeatable surname consisting of two names of the German cities Essen and Berlin”.

8. In the trilogy “Nomads” and other works of Ilyas Yesenberlin is quite often met the word “impram”. “Impram” is the Turkic word which stands for “ordinary people”. The writer was very close to people. He said that people – the highest judge, their critic and defender.

9.Ilyas Yesenberlin for 11 years fought for the edition of his book “Boat swimming across the ocean” in the Kazakh language.

10. In 2015 the great jubilee of Ilyas Yesenberlin was included into the list of events conducted within the international organizations and celebrated on a large scale.

The materials are taken from the book of Amageldy Kashkymbayev “Personalities of Great steppe”.



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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