If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

On Mustafa’s prophecy

On Mustafa’s prophecy  - e-history.kz
For a long time the name of a great activist Mustafa Shokay was under a ban. Only in late 80s – early 90s appeared the materials about him

In 1993 was issued the book of Mustafa Chokay ogly “Turkestan under the Soviet union. (On the characteristics of the dictatorship of the proletariat)”.Mustafa in this book unraveled the imperialist nature of bolshevism. It seemed that the Soviet science, to be more precise, censorship feared these people not in vain. They told the truth! They bravely disclosed the activity of the Soviet power in Turkestan, it was difficult to blame them in libel and conscientiousness. Staying far from the Motherland, he closely followed all the processes in the country, wrote about the status quo in Turkestan. He was blamed in lie, but unfortunately for Bolsheviks M.Shokay used the best, most trustworthy method, he convinced the reader with the help of Bolsheviks documents.

When he told that Turkestan population was robbed and enslaved in all the regards, he referred to the texts of Turar Ryskulov and Sorokin. These activists played the most important role in the life of Turkestan. T.Ryskulov was the Chairperson of the CEC in Turkestan, the comrade of the Chairperson of Sovnarkom RSFSR, and his book was issued by Gosizdat in Tashkent. The second, Sorokin, is the Chairperson of Turkestan Sovnarkom. At the basis of the quotations from “Pravda Vostoka”, bolshevist newspaper in Tashkent, Bolshevist journal “For party” and others. M.Shokay showed how the methods of real nationalistic colonization are used in Turkestan.

In his work M.Shokay started with the group of members of French working delegation, that went to Moscow for X-anniversary of October revolution and visiting Turkestan. It is needless to doubt that Soviet guests became enthusiastic over the admiration from all the seen and even not seen by them in “national republics of Turkestan”.

With these words of admiration they shared with the workers of Tashkent newspaper “Pravda Vostoka”, and about them they write in a special declaration issued by them before the departure of the USSR. In this “declaration” French delegates write that they “had opportunity to visit everything they wanted to visit”, that “they were given the full freedom”.

By that, it seemed they wanted to deliver the confirmation of impartial observers, interested only in truthful enlightenment of the Soviet national politics in Turkestan. One note calls first of all. The way they could use “the proposed (let’s say) to them full freedom” in the country, whose language they do not know, which they did not have till now. So, here is the resume of the impressions of French delegates:

-We are convinced, says the member of the delegation of the city of Shemino, that in young Soviet Uzbekistan the local people manage themselves. From the references, we saw that in all the state bodies the managing staff in majority consists of the representatives of local people.

And the member of the delegation, Syrian Ali-Mira before the departure gave to the Uzbek worker the working note in French: “I saw with my own eyes how my fellow countrymen are happier in the Country of Soviets than there, where the capital prevails”. At last, here the words of the chairperson of the delegation in Goshe city.

“We will transfer to the French workers, that in the Soviet state there is really an equality of all the nationalities”. (“Pravda Vostoka”. Taskent. 30.ХI and 2.XII 1927 years).

Mustafa cited in the work the protocols of party and other congresses and editions of the Soviet State edition. Gave exactly such facts which can not be contradicted because all of them are fixed by the same Soviet press. What lasts is only to accept and recognize. To recognize in this case means to except the possibility of various interpretation of them, means except also the discords in corresponding conclusions. And the inferences are in that great abyss which parts theory and logos of national politics of the Soviet power from their realization in Turkestan.

Mustafa and his co-thinkers were not the supporters of the old European system, so called “colonial politics”. But the Soviet practice in Turkestan killed in them faith in sincerity of revolutionary-liberating logos, with such wastage of communists of all the countries. And there was the time, they were ready to believe and even believed in Moscow Bolsheviks.

In this book Mustafa Shokay wished heartedly Syrians, Algerians, Indo-Chinese and all others, to make their countries to escape the fate which our country was subject under the Soviet power.

Shokay addressed: “I ask French communists and, especially, communists-Syrians to pay special attention to the fact that Turkestanians were followed, killed, slaughtered their wives and children, “without difference to the party”. To be subject to the brutality of the Red army, to be killed by the agents of Moscow government, one feature was in demand – it is needy to be native Turkestan person”.

Mustafa brought the convincing argument from speeches of T.Ryskulov and materials of the Soviet print. In the extract from the book of T.Ryskulov this time there will be conversation about unheard nowhere in the world “hungry politics” of the Soviet power regarding the indigenous population of Turkestan. Speaking of hunger among indigenous population, in particular, among Kazakh, Turar Ryskulov testifies that one of “honored heads of October upheaval in Turkestan Tobolin at the sitting of Turkestan Central Executive Committee declared directly that the Kyrgyzs (Kazakhs) as economically weak form the point of view of Marxists have to die anyway.

“That’s why for revolution it is more important to spend means not for the struggle with hunger, but for the support of fronts”.

“Number of died from hunger (Muslims), are numbered in vast reserves…”, says Ryskulov, but he does not bring numbers.

Soviet sources (1919) called the awful number in one million one hundred thousand (1.114.000).

That is the “national passive” from Moscow “national-liberation politics”. And here is the “Soviet active”. “It is possible to say that died people rescued the Soviet power as, if they, millions of hungry people…came and demanded its share, that they tore to bits and turned everything…That’s why one must confess that although we did not feed them at least we rescued the general state of affairs…”, - wrote T.Ryskulov. Mustafa applied to French communists: “Will they exactly adhere (if, unfortunately, to the misfortune of France, they found themselves in power) concerning Syrians, Marocco, Indo-Chinese and others. “From Marxist point of view economically weak” people? And a Syrian Ali-Mira would wish the future Soviet power in Syria asserted itself thanks to the death of Syrian poor people, on the corpses of Syrian peasants? Anuar Alimzhanov, remembering Mustafa Shokai called him a thinker, scientist-analysist, knight of honor. But that is not sufficient. Mustafa Shokay for a hundred of years predicted the death of Soviet empire created on the basis violence and terror. Possibly there was a prophet in our motherland?



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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