If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Ensemble “Gulder” – the pearl of Kazakh art

Ensemble “Gulder” – the pearl of Kazakh art - e-history.kz
Every Kazakh girl followed the example of the ensemble "Gulder" members

This day, People's Artist of Kazakhstan Gulzhikhan Galieva organized republican youth-pop ensemble "Gulder" in 1969. If in the 60s of the last century, the members of ensemble "Dos Mukasan" served as a role model to many young boys, then every Kazakh girl wanted to be like the members of ensemble "Gulder”. The choir, composed entirely of girls, is like the pearl of Kazakh art. The ensemble "Gulder", turned into the pride of Kazakh stage, never did imitate. Today – it is a team that shaped its own style and earned high success. Acting in many foreign countries, it gained a lot of popularity, and still continues to distribute the Kazakh national tradition, conquering the highest peaks. People who witnessed the ensemble’s creation, enthusiastically tell about it to their children. And the youth, especially that seeks to fame and popularity, enthusiastically listens to the story of the wonderful achievements of this ensemble.

Dancers of "Gulder" ensemble

Let's talk about the story. The team was established 47 years ago. Since then, its composition changed several times, but it was always highly professional and gained successful achievements. Here received the first experience and earned recognition Sarah Tynyshtygulova, Rosa Rymbaeva, Kapash Kulysh, Kairat Baibosynov, Kudaibergen Sultanbaev, Aizhan Nurmagambetova, Makpal Zhunusova, Nagima Eskalieva, Maira Nurkenova, Bulat Abdiahmetov, Zhenis Iskakova, Bakyt Shadaeva, Baktiyar Taylakbaev, Sembek Zhumagaliyev, Gulnar Sikymbaeva, Kanat and Aitkul Kudaibergenovs and many others.

Dance ensemble "Gulder" acts at the opening of the Kazakh circus (1972)

Thanks to the "Gulder" people began to talk about the Kazakh art. They said with great respect. It was impossible not to notice the members of the ensemble. They gained popularity all over the world. They toured Europe, Asia and America. However, their art was truly appreciated and loved at home. Today, the ensemble "Gulder" went down in the history of Kazakhstan. As well as our parents and grandparents’ lives were closely associated with their songs, music and dances.



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